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Everything posted by home4school

  1. Thanks, Jessica. Sounds like the newer would be worth the extra money. Kim
  2. Is everything the same except the b/w pics are now in color? Thanks! Kim
  3. Thanks! I'll pick up two of the practice books. I've heard there's not much retention with the vocab and actually have something else in mind, so we'll probably skip that, too. What do you use for a diagramming reference? I'm not sure I would know how to diagram more complex sentences without some kind of help. Kim :)
  4. Thanks for your help! I haven't been able to see them all either. It just kind of looks like from 6 that maybe the reference sections could possibly be the same. Probably not though. I guess I just need to get another workbook for easiness. Thanks! Kim
  5. One more ?? Are the reference sections the same in each level? Thanks! Kim
  6. Thanks! The binder sounds neat and organized. I guess it would be better for each to have their own. I'll have to pick up another workbook. Thanks again! Kim
  7. I bought Shurley English 6 used and the student book has been removed from the binding and stapled into the different sections. I like that its separated into the different sections, but I think I need something sturdier for my son. I can see him ripping those pages right off those staples!:lol: I was looking thru the books trying to get an idea of how a lesson flows as far as looking to the reference section while doing a lesson. Would it be a good idea to have the practice and test sections put in one small comb-binding and the reference and jingle sections put in another? Or just put them all back together in one? I thought if you have to flip back and forth, having them in different books may be better. Also, could two boys share the reference/jingle book if we do lessons together? If they could, I could just copy the pages my other son would need for the practice and tests. Thanks! Kim
  8. If I can find somewhere to put it, where is the best place to get one? Thanks! Kim
  9. Great ideas, ladies! I would never have thought of the fridge! Love the idea of the baking sheets. Them being smaller than 2x3 doesn't hurt? Why the 2x3 size is recommended by AAS? I could see using a white board that's smaller that I could stick somewhere, but 2x3 is pretty darn big. It would be hard to find a convenient spot for putting it up and taking it out every day. Thanks! Kim
  10. If not, how do you do it? I'm thinking of getting this to use with 2 children. I have nowhere to keep (2) 2x3 magnetic boards. Sounds like having the magnetic tiles on the board all the time beats laying them out everday though. Solutions or suggestions? Thanks! Kim
  11. Where's the best place to get it? I really need to lose 40 lbs or more for high BP. Would I have a heart attack doing this or should I start with something easier? I can make it thru Taebo pretty much, just the basic. I was going to order Slim in 6, but haven't bc of $$$. Is this just as good or better? Thanks! Kim
  12. That's a good point. Those who've used Slim in 6, there is a diet provided with the program, right? Is it doable or lettuce and water? Thanks! Kim
  13. Of course the infomercial got me all HYPED up and I thought I should just get it. I really have to lose weight for med reasons, high BP, etc. But, I hate to spend more money on something I don't know I will use. But, it does have the money back guarantee. But, I already have so many tapes to choose from, I just don't make the time to do them. I think I will try to make myself use what I have for now. Then, if I stick to it, I could allow myself to get these for hopefully better results if I'm not seeing much with what I already have. We're actually going to take a much needed vacation the second week of August. We haven't been to the beach in over 3 yrs. I would love to have a good start on losing some of this weight, NO THIS FAT, before we go. Can y'all imagine the time I have picking curriculum if I can't even decide to spend $$$ on an exercise DVD!!!:lol: Kim
  14. Thanks! I went to the site and was all set to push the order button since they have the $$ guarantee. But, I started thinking what if I just do some of the tapes I already have for and hour a day, 6 days a week? Shoot, working out an hour a day, 6 days a week with Elmo should help you lose weight!:lol: I could get out my Taebo tapes (have the whole set and never got past beginner level), or my Denise Austins, or my Kathy Smiths, or my........ Decisions, decisions, Kim
  15. Caught the infomercial on tv and of course the results are amazing!:lol: Seriously, anyone tried it? Worth buying? I need to lose 40-50 lbs. as quickly as possible! Thanks! Kim
  16. No idea on the boxes, but how 'bout sharing your recipe? Please! Thanks~ Kim
  17. Thanks for the great replies! You've given some really great sounding things to try. Its funny bc I was thinking about when we go out to eat and they automatically put the steamed broc/caul/squash mix on your plate, we just think of it as a granish, a plate decoration, NEVER something to actually EAT!!! My dh and I were talking about eating healthier last night and trying to think of "veggies". I mentioned okra and we couldn't even think of another way to prepare it except fried! He said, "Well, fried okra is all there is, isn't it?" I do think I've heard of people boiling it, but that doesn't sound that good. I guess adding it to soup. I guess we've got a lot of changing to do. Hopefully, it will be easier with the yummy sounding suggestions you all have given. Thanks again! Kim
  18. Being from the south, we fry everything. I have quit doing that, but I can't think of any "veggies" for side dishes except steamed broccoli or squash. Nobody here will eat that except me. My family will eat green beans cooked in ckn broth, I guess that's ok? It has to be better than when I seasoned them w/salt pork!! Well, there's corn, but I guess not creamed:tongue_smilie:. What are some good healthy "veggies", as y'all call them? Thanks! Kim
  19. Thanks! Is this the same as stevia? I learn something new everyday here! Kim
  20. Perhaps when you do resale, the new purchaser will "appreciate" the noteworthy parts already being marked! Just a thought- Kim
  21. I don't even know what that is? Can you get it at a regular grocery store? Thanks, Kim
  22. Thanks, Beth. You're menu sounds good, not like cardboard! I'm just so used to eating the same things, the same way. It's hard to think differently. My life revolves around bread! :) Toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch. I'll have to try the iced tea without sugar, but I believe here in Ga. that may be against the law! Blessings, Kim
  23. Thanks for all the replies. I knew y'all would come thru! You've given me a lot to get me started and some ideas on how to make this work. It means Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. I will look into a nutritionist. I need to do this for long-term. I come from really bad stock. Only my mother has lived past the 60s. Everyone else died from cancer or mostly heart attacks. My sister actually died a few years ago from a heart attack at age 43. Just died at work. No warning signs that we know of, just died. I have a cousin my age (43) that is battling cancer now. He's had it for about 2 yrs and not doing well. I have lost all my grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. My father died from cancer at 58. Not good stock, not good stock at all. :( Thanks again. Off to read. Kim
  24. Thanks for the reply! A few ???s...Do you buy all your items at a regular grocery store or do you have to go to a specialty store? What would be considered a "healthy" cereal? Didn't even know almond milk existed! Nitrite free-where do you buy these? I noticed you don't have any breads listed. Are there any allowed? Thanks! Kim
  25. Again, my question, what in the world DO you eat and drink?? I am clueless about actually eating healthy. I know all the phrases, eat xx servings of fruit, veggies, etc. I just can't put it into action in real life. Thanks! Kim
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