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Another thyroid question


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Would it be ridiculous of me to try to up my own thyroid dosage (levo) by 25 micrograms? I don't have the time or money right now to do the blood work and get back to the doctor for another check, and I'm not feeling a huge improvement in the issues I've been hoping to resolve. I have a bottle of 50 microgram pills and a bottle of 25 microgram pills, so it wouldn't be hard for me to try a 75 microgram dose.


Is it super risky to do on my own? From what I understand 75 micrograms is still a pretty low dose, but I could be wrong.



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I think you should call your dr. I've been with my endo a long time, but he lets me just see him annually. If I feel I need a dose change, he just calls in lab orders. I have labs done, and any changes are made over the phone.


Anyway, I don't think it's a good idea to increase your dose on your own. As pp said, too much thyroid can have bad consequences.

Edited by Bethany Grace
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Probably not the correct answer, but when I was hyperthyroid, there was a space of time when getting in to see anyone was ridiculously difficult. I had a standing order for bloodwork, and already knew the numbers I needed to be near from the years spent with the endocrinologist. I didn't see a huge issue with micromanaging my own care, and when I could get in to see the endo and/or gp, they didn't seem to either.

I've recently been treated and am now hypo. I too am not feeling a lot better at 50mcg. Just saw the GP and discussed upping the dose to 75mcg with follow-up bloodwork. I didn't do it on my own this time because my condition has not stable for a lengthy time, and it is not currently as difficult to get care.


ETA: I would not do it without bloodwork. Symptoms alone can have variable causes, and one of the problems with thyroid can be brain fog.

Edited by KathyBC
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