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Easy to Outline Book for Physics (5th grade)

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I wonder if this series would work.  https://www.amazon.com/PRENTICE-SCIENCE-EXPLORER-ELECTRICITY-MAGNETISM/dp/0131151002/ref=pd_sim_14_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0131151002&pd_rd_r=6ZM80CXNJ35WET5AD4ZZ&pd_rd_w=apBWO&pd_rd_wg=I8af8&psc=1&refRID=6ZM80CXNJ35WET5AD4ZZ


There are three books. This one: electricity and magnetism; Motions, forces and energy; and light and sound.  I need to go at the moment but if I am able to find a text sample for you I will come back and post. Otherwise I could probably scan a few pages and email them to you since I own these. 


ETA: It looks like you can view all the science explorer books here: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/parklandms/departments/science/sciexptextbooks.aspx


ETA: There are also "Guided Reading and Study" books that you can buy that help guide the child through the text

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I found those Prentice Hall books beyond dry. Just... so, so dry. And they're at a slightly higher level than you might expect, so whether or not a fifth grader could tackle them might depend on the kid and the volume.


Are there specific topics in physics that you want to cover? I have found that individual books are better for starting outlining than big, long texts. But... it may depend on your approach and goals.

Edited by Farrar
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I looked at some of the pages of the Motion book from the link to the Prentice Hall books, and I have to agree with Farrar: very dry and very boring. I would not use this with a 5th grader. Actually, I would not use this at all. I just flipped through some concepts, and there are some inaccuracies, too. (Like the stuff about "action" and "reaction" forces.)

This looks like the typical public school texts that contribute to putting kids off physics. Especially since they will get the same stuff when they take high school physics and then physics in college. Every.single.physics.course will start with "describing motion". 

I cannot see any kid become excited about physics from this kind of book. Get library books on specific phenomena and let the kid read a real book. 


Btw, I am saying this as a physics professor. 

Edited by regentrude
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