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Does anyone take Trazodone

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My dd (14) has been having a lot of trouble with delayed sleep onset insomnia. I took her to a sleep specialist about 5 weeks ago. We tried a higher dose of Melatonin but it didn't work. She fell asleep quicker but started waking up several times during the night instead and in the morning she was very, very groggy.


Last Monday we went back to the doctor and she started my dd on 50 mg. of Trazodone. DD sleeps better but now she has been getting headaches several times a day. Is this common with Trazodone?


I also just looked up Trazodone on Drugs.com. I was shocked when I saw how many possible severe drug interactions there are with Trazodone. Neither the pharmacist nor the doctor warned me about them. Luckily I haven't given dd any other medications but it looks like she can't even take over-the-counter cough medication while she is on it without possible (but rare) serious side effects.

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