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In my experience, lethargy tends to come from overdosing on carbs. So, cut your grain intake down to the recommended serving sizes (about two serves per meal) then have a big bowl of salad. Throw in seeds, a nice dressing or whatever you need to make it interesting.



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In my experience, lethargy tends to come from overdosing on carbs. So, cut your grain intake down to the recommended serving sizes (about two serves per meal) then have a big bowl of salad. Throw in seeds, a nice dressing or whatever you need to make it interesting.




I agree about carbs. I wanted to lose 15 lbs, so I started using Spark People to track my calories. That is what really helped, because it also keeps track of carbs and fat, and I could see right there what I was eating everyday. Once I cut way down on carbs and sugar, I stopped craving them after awhile, and crave veggies and fruit instead. And I noticed that I used to get so tired after lunch that I could hardly stay awake but now I have energy all day. When you feel so much better, it makes it easier to want to keep eating right.

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I just remembered this one... one time I did a program called GR2 Control from GNLD. It kept my blood sugar level which worked really well to keep my energy up and I lost a lot and kept it off.


I also get an energy boost from raw cocao and/or epic ganoderma.


I don't do programs right now b/c I am nursing. I am starting my diet tomorrow. I plan to eat 5 cups of mostly raw fruits and veggies a day.

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