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Ds is going to the podiatrist today to have an toenail removed.

I am wondering if I need to take him or if he will be able to drive home.


Ds showed me a video this morning of someone having their toenail removed and it looks REALLY painful!


I have a history of passing out at things like that and sometimes after the fact.


My kids have never passed out, so I am not sure if they will do like me.


What do you think?

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I worked for a podiatrist and assisted in many nail removals. It's honestly not that big of a deal. :grouphug: I think it's more the idea of it, than the actual procedure. Your ds can close his eyes, read a magazine, or listen to music. He won't feel a thing except a little tugging and pressure on foot.


The toe will be numbed, which in my opinion is the most painful part. After, the doc will wrap the toe thickly in gauze. Can your ds wear sandals or other open toed shoes? It's sometimes difficult to get the wrapped toe back into your shoe. He should be able to drive home with no problems, his toe will still be numb. :001_smile:

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My husband had it done. He dropped his motorcycle on his big toe, so it turned funny colors and the podiatrist had to take the nail off to relieve the pressure. He numbed it all up with Novocaine (or Lidocaine or some type of Caine), and removed it. He didn't feel his toe for awhile afterwards, and he drove just fine.

He wore sandals there btw if that helps at all.

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Unfortunately he didn't take any open toed shoes with him. He had to go to school and then is leaving after that to go to the Dr.


What did you wear afterward and how long did it take before they were able to wear a shoe?


Thanks again!

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I had mine done a few years ago and like another poster said, the numbing the toe part was really the worst of it. He'll be fine. I seem to remember they actually gave me an open toe "boot" to wear for the day. I don't think I had anything for medication except tylenol. Make sure ds gets good cleaning instructions and if not, I'm sure a follow up phone call will be easy enough. Good luck!

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Pain worse than giving birth. Give him a ride.


I had mine done. The dr. did give me a shot of something and I drove myself home. I was supposed to stop and pick up dinner on the way home, but about a mile from my house the med. wore off - I about died! I went straight home and moaned and complained the rest of the night. It was awful. (I have no pain tolerance, though.) It was probably a good 45 min. before I started feeling pain, though.

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Yeah, the recovery was a bit rough for me as well. (I had it done twice, 2nd time it came off for good) So maybe that is why, but the second time after the numbing agent wore off, whoa nelly I thought I was a gonna die. Didn't walk for a few days. Again, could have been b/c it was the 2nd time in 6mos or so that it was done. I don't remember the first time being so bad. Good luck to your son.

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May I ask (any of you) what happens after you get it removed? Is it supposed to grow back normally or do you not have a toenail? LOL I ask because I have a toenail that seems to grow in deformed/very thick because of a fungus (maybe?) and I cannot for the life of me kill this fungus. So my toenail looks nasty and I just want a do-over!!

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May I ask (any of you) what happens after you get it removed? Is it supposed to grow back normally or do you not have a toenail? LOL I ask because I have a toenail that seems to grow in deformed/very thick because of a fungus (maybe?) and I cannot for the life of me kill this fungus. So my toenail looks nasty and I just want a do-over!!


Well, my doctor took my yucky nail off and tried to treat it. (this was 20 years ago and I believe they have new medicine that works better) It didn't fix it as the new nail grew in infected as well and then I took it off again and made it so it won't grow back. Maybe that is why it hurt so much the 2nd time. I don't know.

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He drove home.


He called me and told me(just as y'all said he would) that the 6 shots of numbing meds hurt like all get out!

The Dr. removed both sides of the toenail and left the middle. The Dr. told him that it was good that he came in when he did, he said it would have been much, much worse if he waited longer.

Ds asked the Dr. to save his nail for him, so he brought it home:lol:, thats his baby!

Ds is to go back next week for a follow up.


Oh, the numbing med. wore off about 20 mins after he left the Dr's office!


He only has tylenol to take for pain.

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