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Looking for magazine recommendations

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Have you looked at Muse magazine, published by the Cricket Magazine Group? http://www.cricketmag.com/ProductDetail.asp?pid=12


It covers science and history, and it is aimed at kids aged 9-14. We regularly check these out from the library, and they are well done.


Ranger Rick Magazine, published by the National Wildlife Federation, is another choice, although it is strictly animal oriented, not general science.





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American Girl

National Geographic Kids (I know many here don't like that it has ads, but that is not a problem for us; both my dc love getting it)


I'd have her check the library &/or a good bookstore newstand to see if there are any that strike her fancy.

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I second Cricket Magazine line, they have many to choose from. Ds likes science type of magazines as well. We've been having Ask magazine for the past 2 years. I asked him recently if he wanted to move up to Muse, he said he still wanted Ask which is geared toward 7-9 yo.


Another good magazine to consider is Kids Discover.

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