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do bees pat each other on the little backs with their wee wings?

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Because I'm just so pleased with myself, I can hardly stand it. Last night I went to a meeting that I knew would be contentious and I did not lose my temper! I am passionate, but usually very polite. I am afraid have a history of, um, raising my voice with these people, or at least with the butt heads among them. Actually, it makes me sick to think about it - those moments where I felt my temperature rising and where I was not able to stop myself from spilling out lots of loud words even as I could see all those faces around the table suddenly looking down awkwardly at their papers....


Here's the deal. I work at a university where I co-chair a task force. Last night I had to make my report to the larger umbrella subcommittee group solo, without my buddy, the other legs of the chair. None of the other folks from our task force were available either. So the pressure was on, to stay cool and clear headed. And I did it! I rose above the petty insider joking and focused on the issues and presented my case clearly.


My uncle works at an ivy league college, and we end every discussion of university politics with a sigh and he says, wistfully, "the smaller the pond, the more viscous the fish." I didn't let the viscous fish get me this time, I didn't play their nasty little games, and I'm so tickled with myself.


Is this ok to share? This is my little bee victory flight!

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Can you not feel us fanning you from here?! Isn't that how bees keep each other cool? Well, you, my dear, are beyond cool. You da' Woman...er...QUEEN...oops, no wait, that doesn't work either....but for J.Griff's Sake! How's about You da' Drone! :-D


Proud of you! :D



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Nicole- Way cool! Congrats to you!


Can you not feel us fanning you from here?! Isn't that how bees keep each other cool? Well, you, my dear, are beyond cool. You da' Woman...er...QUEEN!


Proud of you! :D



Um, Doran, please don't take this the wrong way but...

WHAT IS THIS TREASON???????????????? HOW can you call any other bee

the QUEEN?!?!?!?!!?!? You are treading on dangerous waters my friend. I

understand that sometimes things just slip out, and if you edit your post, I'll edit mine (but you should probably PM me so I see that yours is edited). ;)


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Unfortunately, you set the bar higher for yourself for next time. ;-)


Thanks a lot! I hadn't thought of that. Though now that I've set a precedent for myself, maybe it won't be quite as hard as this first time. And boy was it hard. But I've set up those neural pathways, or whatever they are, in my little pea bee brain, so I hope I can do it again!


And Doran. Oh, my. The queen thing. Perhaps this is a good time to mention that all these years, on the old board, whenever anyone wanted to consult the Hive Mind, I always pictured THE BORG, not a dear little bee skep. So, yeah, in fact I believe that last night I just graduated from Borg Queen (or perhaps a more current image from science fiction television would be a Wraith Queen) in to a cutesy-pie, well-mannered worker bee.


Though just now at breakfast my oldest son just said that I was sounding "a little too braggy" - so perhaps I need to just buckle down, enjoy those fanning wings and get to working on collecting that pollen!

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