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CNN article - homeschoolers

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This is going to sound cynical...


When I have seen positive news about HSing in the mainstream media this past year, part of me has wondered if people who had their kids in private schools (and had to pull them out due to the stock crash) are trying to "justify" their decision to HS instead.


Like I said, cynical.




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"Ansel Adams was homeschooled at the age of 12 after his "wild laughter and undisguised contempt for the inept ramblings of his teachers" disrupted the classroom. His father took on his education from that point forward."


Well, it sounds like Ansel and my dh have something in common. Unfortunately, his teachers had to put up with him for another 4 years until he managed to convince them to let him graduate early so they wouldn't have to put up with him anymore!:lol:


Once his 6th grade teacher (a major yeller!) was ranting at the class because of the behavior of 3-4 students. Since it was time for Jason to leave for his GT class, he got up to leave without prompting like he usually did.


She screamed at him, "Where do you think you are going?"

He told her where he was going.

She screamed, "Do you think you're special?"

"Yes," he said as he left her speechless but sputtering.


I may be in for quite a ride with baby having 1/2 of his genes!:D

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