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Amount of copywork for a mid-1st grader?


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I still don't have my household goods after moving, so nary a homeschool resource book to be had!


Can someone tell me how many sentences they give to their mid-first grader to copy?


I'm wondering because I seem to either make it too easy for my daughter or make her cry. Honestly it depends on the time of day, if she hears her siblings outside playing, if the moon is in a certain phase, or her emotions are just bubbling over. :rolleyes: This makes it difficult for me to "just know" what is right for her age/development (that's my hint to those of you tempted to write, "you know your child" ;)).


What does the WTM suggest? Or FLL require?





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I knew I got my guidelines from somewhere. The copywork example from lesson 103 of FLL (which is the beginning of second grade) has three sentence to choose from. One has 5 words, one has 8 words, and the last has 9 words. So depending on your child 5 - 10 words is a good length of copywork. More than 10 is probably too much for mid-first grade.

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and they can form their letters well this really makes a difference. My little guy 1st grade is doing an AWANA verse several times a week, but he does a lot of word writing in his Phonics Museum and lots of number writing in math. We are adding in history copywork now, but for him it really varies what he can do on any given day. Some weeks he his right on it, and other weeks he is too interested in candle wax or something else. I have the goal of independent history narrations by third grade and that is what I work toward slowly and steadily. He is child 4 and boy 3 and I've finally realize that handwriting won't kill a child, nor will erasing and doing in neat and tidy either. What a revelation for me! So, my 1st grader gets all my left over minutes ... poor 4th born, but he is starting to enjoy copying his verses. Today he did, "And he said to them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." I forgot where it was found in the Bible, but he added the reference too. He isn't a real fine motor boy, but he's getting it without trouble now- thanks to Handwriting without Tears.

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I have a mid firster too and it depends on the day, the phase of the moon, the weather, her outfit, I don't know.

We aim for her best work in a short sentence relating to her Greek Myths. I write in on the white board for her to copy.

Sometimes I bribe her with a sticker which may or may not work, again, dependent on moon phase blah blah.

She does know that if she gives it short shrift that she will have to do it over so she rarely does so.

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