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Between two timeline figures


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I'm starting First Year with ds (age 6 the day before school starts) and we're going to be doing Story of the World 1 for History. I'm allowing four days so as to do the activities at a relaxed pace and keep each lesson short at the same time. We're using a Book of Centuries, a notebook timeline, and I'm probably going to buy a ready-made timeline for our wall. As we construct our notebook timeline, I would like for him to paste timeline figures. I know Homeschool in the Woods makes great ones from Creation to Christ I love. These are the ones I like. They sell for $19.95 and include 250 figures! I know SOTW goes a bit past Christ, to 400 AD. Anybody owns these figures and has used them with SOTW 1?


However, I know Sonlight has, from the same manufacturer, 50 figures for their first grade I believe. These sell for roughly $7. Should I go with the 50 or 250? I do want ready-made, ready to stick (no printing) figures, but I don't want to end up with 100 figures I'm never going to use. Do these coordinate well with SOTW: The Ancients?


TIA for any insight you can offer me.

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Not answering your specific question, just giving my two bits... Save your time, money and effort and wait on the timeline work until your child is older, maybe even your 2nd time through the history cycle. Last year I heard SWB speak at a local homeschool conference and (I believe) she said this type of work is best in later elementary years.

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Hmmm.. I have to check those out. Thanks!


As for using the timeline figures, I think it will be fun. Ds is a lot like me, and I like seeing the people's faces and read about their accomplishments and sticking them in a timeframe will help get him used to the idea of time and place.

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I was thinking of scanning the little memory cards from the AG for the upcoming year. Then I could use those pictures for the timeline. If we come up with other people/events you can always google for a few interesting pics.


I've found with little ones that you will do the timeline/book of centuries work. Just so you know.

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I will say that I got the Homeschooling in the Woods CD with ALL the figures on them and it has been something I have used OVER and OVER for many different purposes. I love the CD because you can pick and choose individual figures and resize them and do all sorts of fun things with them. It is well worth the investment, in my opinion.

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Thanks, WTMindy. I guess that's what I wanted to hear :) Right now I don't have a good relationship with our printer and have to send everything from this computer to the other one before I can print :glare: So I like the idea of buying everything ready to go, just cut, peel and stick.


Hannah, thanks for those figures! I will pass along to anyone with a good printer. They do look nice!


Thanks again!

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