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5th day of hives---please help!

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i got these hives wednesday night, they started on my right arm and left thigh, spread to both arms and both legs by thursday, to my abdomen by friday and yesterday moved to my feet. i've tried cortisone cream, gel, calamine, oatmeal baths and benadryl, but none of it has worked except the benadryl which knocks me out and unfortunately i'm home alone with very active 3 and 6yo boys for the next 2 weeks and i can't afford to be knocked out.


i was so desperate today i rubbed organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar on my arms and legs but it stunk so bad even i couldn't stand to be in the same room with myself after 10 minutes.


i haven't eaten anything unusual, or washed my clothes in anything different, and although current circumstances are unusually stressful, i don't *feel* stressed....

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Did you take any medicine last week (or even the week before that) that you've never taken before? The last time I had hives, it was nearly a week after I had taken a prescription migraine med that my doctor wanted me to try out. Even though I hadn't taken the pills in several days, the hives showed up and lasted for over a week. My dr. recommended I take zyrtec or a generic version of it. It is a 24 antihistimine and doesn't make me as drowsy as benadryl. good luck!

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Uggh. They were making me miserable. I even had them in my eyelids and lips. The benedryl didn't seem to be working. My husband picked up a homeopathic remedy called Apis Mel for stings/hives by Washington Homeopathic Products. Little pills dissolved in the mouth. Once I started taking that it really seemed to take the itch away. Then at night I doubled up on the Benedryl and finally they eased up the next day and were gone the next. If I ever get them again I will take those little pills first thing.




I hope you feel better soon.

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If you can get to a doctor tomorrow they might be able to get you an epi pen to get rid of the hives. Those things are awesome!


An epi pen is only for anaphylaxis. If you use an epi pen, you need to go to the ER immediately.

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It is possible to have a hive like reaction to a virus.


I would take a non-drowsy antihistamine (Zyrtec-1st choice, Claritin 2nd choice) during the day and a Benadryl before bed.


If it is a virus you may just have to run its course.


You can become allergic to anything, any food, or any product...at any time.


I would take a few days and go down to the least amount of foods possible. Eliminate and 'likely triggers' like peanut butter, eggs, milk, corn, soy, berries ...there are more but I can't think of them all off the top of my head. Google and you will find a list of the most likely allergens. Look for anything you have eaten in the past but just reintroduced, like seasonal fruit and eliminate those too. It can be really hard to pinpoint allergies. For instance, I can eat organic broccoli or homegrown, but not store bought non-organic because I am sensitive to the pesticide or fertilizer used on broccoli. :confused: That took years to figure out. I am also allergic to hazelnuts and almonds. They will make me dizzy (allergies can cause fluid behind the ears which affect your balance) a few hours after I eat them. The unexplained dizziness resulted in 10 appointments with numerous specialists, and thousands of dollars of diagnostic work :lol: before I finally figured out the cause.


I would wash a load of your clean clothes in a washer with no soap and no softener, but add vinegar to the rinse to clean any residue off. Wash you towels, bedding and pjs and robe too. Anything that comes into contact with your skin.


If you take baths, stop and switch to showers. If you have to take a bath, clean the tub with vinegar and only use a very light soap like Dove or non-soap Cetaphil.

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She is covered with hives, and has been for the past 5 days or so, as well. She is a pharmacist, and so has insite into the appropriate drugs to help....Benedryl at night, but I can't recall what she is taking during the day. Another friend is a nurse practitioner, and her suspicion is that this is a reaction to a virus. I wonder if there is something going around right now. I really feel for you, because hives can make you miserable. I have always found that putting a cool face cloth on the worst ones helps to temporarily cool them down. Sure hope you get better quickly.



i got these hives wednesday night, they started on my right arm and left thigh, spread to both arms and both legs by thursday, to my abdomen by friday and yesterday moved to my feet. i've tried cortisone cream, gel, calamine, oatmeal baths and benadryl, but none of it has worked except the benadryl which knocks me out and unfortunately i'm home alone with very active 3 and 6yo boys for the next 2 weeks and i can't afford to be knocked out.


i was so desperate today i rubbed organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar on my arms and legs but it stunk so bad even i couldn't stand to be in the same room with myself after 10 minutes.


i haven't eaten anything unusual, or washed my clothes in anything different, and although current circumstances are unusually stressful, i don't *feel* stressed....

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It is possible to have a hive like reaction to a virus.


I would take a non-drowsy antihistamine (Zyrtec-1st choice, Claritin 2nd choice) during the day and a Benadryl before bed.


If it is a virus you may just have to run its course.


You can become allergic to anything, any food, or any product...at any time.


I would take a few days and go down to the least amount of foods possible. Eliminate and 'likely triggers' like peanut butter, eggs, milk, corn, soy, berries ...there are more but I can't think of them all off the top of my head. Google and you will find a list of the most likely allergens. Look for anything you have eaten in the past but just reintroduced, like seasonal fruit and eliminate those too. It can be really hard to pinpoint allergies. For instance, I can eat organic broccoli or homegrown, but not store bought non-organic because I am sensitive to the pesticide or fertilizer used on broccoli. :confused: That took years to figure out. I am also allergic to hazelnuts and almonds. They will make me dizzy (allergies can cause fluid behind the ears which affect your balance) a few hours after I eat them. The unexplained dizziness resulted in 10 appointments with numerous specialists, and thousands of dollars of diagnostic work :lol: before I finally figured out the cause.


I would wash a load of your clean clothes in a washer with no soap and no softener, but add vinegar to the rinse to clean any residue off. Wash you towels, bedding and pjs and robe too. Anything that comes into contact with your skin.


If you take baths, stop and switch to showers. If you have to take a bath, clean the tub with vinegar and only use a very light soap like Dove or non-soap Cetaphil.




Also, once a reaction has started, it can take 4-6 weeks for it to totally settle down. Follow the advice here, but also plan to take the anti-histamine for 4-6 weeks as your hives erupt.

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