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Runners, advice please

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Yesterday I met up with a neighbor getting ready to run and she asked if I was doing the Cotton Row 5K/10K. I know after almost 2 years of running I really should set a goal. I'll admit I'm afraid of the unknown. I am apprehensive of signing up and being with all those people and not knowing what I am doing at my first race and I am not the most graceful person and being in a crowd at the beginning I am afraid I will trip someone:001_huh:. So will one of you experienced racers google races in Huntsville Alabama and tell me which race would be a good one to start with. Encouragement, stories of your first races, fears, anxieties are welcome. TIA:001_smile:

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A 5k is a great place to start! Only the fast, experienced people are in the front, anyway. Start near the end of the pack and you will have a blast. It is good to get at the end of the runners and a little ways in front of the walkers. If it is like every other 5k I've ever done, there will be plenty of both. You might even consider staying on one side or the other of the pack and near the back so you won't feel so crowded. Just have a really good time and cheer everyone on around you. The positive attitude will be contagious and you will be hooked on the darned races!

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I did my very first 5k last year. The winner finished in 16 minutes! But.. the last walker finished in 55 minutes so as long as you are somewhere in between you should be fine! Start towards the back - the pack disperses fairly quickly. Just follow the runner in front of you. There are guides along the way to make sure you stay on course and usually a water station somewhere on the course. It is so much fun and you will feel great when you complete the run! Go for it!

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A 5K is a good place to start, really any 5K. There will be plenty of people there, so start near the back. There is a good rush as you pass people in the first little bit. It annoys me that walkers line up near the front but they do! Just grin and bear it. I've not seen anyone trip others or get tripped so i really wouldn't worry about that.


Get to the race site early, pick up your packet, drop it back at your car and find the bathrooms. (personally, I get a nervous bladder and I won't get on the line until I've gone 3 times. I don't know what is magic about 3, but 3 seems to be the number.) Warm up even if it's just jumping in pace, stretch if you are used to it and start.


Walk through water stops. Getting water up your nose is no fun at all! Make sure you get water if it's hot, even just warm. I tend to get 2 cups, one to drink and one to dump on my head. It helps to stay cool. By the time I finish you can't tell that I've dumped a couple cups of water on my head anymore. Get the free food at the end, again make sure you get water. My kids do races for the free food and drinks! I tend to do them for the tshirts. :tongue_smilie:


You'll have a great time!

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Thanks-this thread is helping me too! I feel like the OP, and I'm hemming and hawing about doing my first 5k the end of May-I haven't been real regular with running for years but I've been out a little this spring and can do 3 miles okay. I'm trying to push myself to enter but I'm not that motivated-thanks for the timely encouraging thread! I can't say I'm committed yet, but it's helping!

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