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Can someone tell me about Grapefruit Seed Extract?

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Benjamin is just over 3 months old and has his first cold. He's all stuffy and runny. He sleeps best on his tummy, but he can't now because of all the "junk" running out when he's in that position. I found an old thread on cold remedies and someone mentioned grapefruit seed extract. Is this something I could get at someplace like Wal-Mart or CVS or even a GNC store? How would I use it for him? How would I dose him? Is there something else that might work better for him? I just don't want this congestion to end up as an ear infection and I don't really want to have to make a trip to the doctor if I can avoid it! Thanks:)

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It may be hard to get a baby that young to ingest something so foul tasting...


I've used it before with mixed results---for me it was just a few drops in a cup of juice or water... again--it has a TERRIBLE taste! You could try one drop--but that is still a lot for a little baby.



I would still recommend taking him to the Dr.-- but I would NOT accept a script for any anti-biotics unless they can PROVE that it is a bacterial infection. Most likely it is viral--but I would be concerned about it going into his lungs--not as much so the ears... RSV is going around right now... not anything to mess around with. I nearly lost my 2nd dd to RSV as a baby... she only had a stuffy nose... I did not know she had double pneumonia too!


You can use a saline spray to help loosen him up--and then a bulb-thing to help clear his nose.

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GSE is exceptionally bitter. if he gets to the point of an ear infection you can mix about 5 drops with 1/2 tsp of alcohol and use it as ear drops. it is very effective.


you're not going to find it at Wal-Mart, but if you have a grocery store or Whole Foods with a good health food section you can get it there. i'm not sure about GNC, but any mom and pop vitamin store should carry it. it'll be around 10 dollars.

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We use it for the older members of the family after we know if they have a citrus allergy or not. The stuff is terribly bitter and I burned my throat with it once. Saline solution in the nose is much safer and suctioning with a bulb. I hope that Baby is feeling better very soon.

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Benjamin is just over 3 months old and has his first cold. He's all stuffy and runny. He sleeps best on his tummy, but he can't now because of all the "junk" running out when he's in that position. I found an old thread on cold remedies and someone mentioned grapefruit seed extract. Is this something I could get at someplace like Wal-Mart or CVS or even a GNC store? How would I use it for him? How would I dose him? Is there something else that might work better for him? I just don't want this congestion to end up as an ear infection and I don't really want to have to make a trip to the doctor if I can avoid it! Thanks:)


Are you bre*stfeeding him? If so, you could take the GSE extract or pills yourself and he would get the benefit of it through your milk. I would not give it directly to an infant that age, IMO. I hope he's feeling better soon, it's hard when they are so sick when they are that little. :grouphug:

Edited by plain jane
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I'm not sure how you feel about homeopathics. I give them to my dc, under the guidance of a knowledgeable naturpath. He always recommends I give them these: hylands_cold.jpg for sniffles/coughs/colds in my littlest ones. For under 6mos I dissolve in small amount bre*stmilk or sterilized water. They are really soft, easy to swallow and the older dc say they taste good. They seem to help my dc, but again, not everyone on these boards is comfortable with homeopathy.

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My favorite site for natural heath advice is http://www.WellTellMe.com


What has worked well for us is to put a few drops of eucalyptus oil on a washcloth or rag, and put it where the baby can breathe this in while sleeping. I run a humidifier, and I also like to elevate the bed (with a block of wood under the legs at the end where her head is). That way the drainage is more likely to flow down into the tummy instead of sitting stagnant in the ears and causing an infection.


If you are breastfeeding, you can take/eat natural antibiotics and they will come through in the breastmilk. The most powerful are onions and garlic. I had a UTI recently and ate an onion soup (like french onion...it was yummy) and also was taking garlic juice mixed with honey. Believe me...it comes out in the breast milk. :) I would recommend eating the soup or garlicky foods about 30-45 minutes before breastfeeding. If garlic flavored breast milk doesn't sound too appetizing (and it really doesn't to me either!) you can go another route.


One of the popular remedies on (the other) WTM is GOOT: Garlic Olive Oil Treatment. "GOOT is just 3 Tablespoons EACH of coconut oil,olive oil,and fresh minced garlic. Combine in a blender then pour through a strainer to catch the chunks of garlic that did not get blended. I just use a paper towel to apply. Store in the refridgerator. It is most potent fresh, and should be discarded after 3 weeks."

GOOT is a thick paste that quickly absorbs into the skin. The fresh garlic has a compound in it called allycin (sp?) that helps boost the immune system and knock out colds. Coconut oil can be found at WalMart on the top shelf of the oils aisle (usually) and sometimes in the pharmacy.


Here are some other ideas for treating baby colds that I saved for future reference:





Use neem oil on a cotton swab and coat the inside of the nostrils. It isn't painful. They can't taste the oil, and it generally causes the mucus to quickly drain and prevents it from returning. The neem oil addresses any viral or fungal spores that may be hiding in the nasal mucus.


Coconut oil: If your baby has icky eyes when they wake up, gently put some on their eyelids at naptime. I tried it my self, and it didn't sting...it only caused blurred vision, so I would only do this if they are going down to sleep.


Probiotics: If you have any probiotics in capsule form, try emptying one on his tongue. It wil not taste bad, sort of like dry milk. Slightly sweet. This helps boost your immunity and can knock out many illnesses. 85-90% of the body's immune system is the digestive tract, and the probiotics (healthy flora that boosts digestive efficiency) is a great boost.


I wouldn't use Grapefruit Seed Oil on a baby. It's too potent. Essential oils and other forms of highly concentrated natural remedies can be very powerful, and dangerous if you don't use them correctly (for internal and external applications). Protecting a baby's digestive enzymes is really important (which is why I don't like to use commercial antibiotics), and I feel much more comfortable using whole foods that have antibiotic properties. Our bodies recognize the antibiotics because we regularly consume them as food, and so our digestive flora is left undisturbed and the foreign bacteria are the only ones who are destroyed. Whole food antibiotics usually won't disrupt the digestive system of a healthy person, though some babies may even be sensative to onions/garlic (especially potent raw garlic!).


The other thing I'll add is something that I've just learned. One of the key principles with using natural antibiotics is that they need to be used liberally and often until you feel better. Our bodies metabolize them (as foods) much faster, because they don't mess up our digestion like prescription antibiotics do. It's not as simple as 'take one every 4 hours for 10 days'. The great thing about them though, is that they are made up of SO many different compounds, that the bacterias and viruses can't adapt to become immune to them. Fresh garlic contains allicin, which is reported to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties...and as if that's not enough, it also BOOSTS the immune system. I believe it has a better long term result as well, as the body now knows how to fight off the germ, as it has beaten it before.


sorry to write an epistle :) I am just very interested in natural health. Rosemary Gladstar's book Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health is a great book if you are interested in using natural remedies for your family. She has a section on infants and children's remedies, and tons of recipes. She's a bit 'new agey' but I just overlook that :)

Edited by hi_itsgwen
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Unfortunately, I am unable to bre*stfeed him. Sounds like GSE is not the thing for him, so I'll try some of the other suggestions. I also combined a small amount of apple cider vinegar with water, boiled it, let it cool and then gave him a nebulizer treatment with it. I figured that couldn't hurt him and at least it would be doing *something* for him.

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I'm not sure how you feel about homeopathics. I give them to my dc, under the guidance of a knowledgeable naturpath. He always recommends I give them these: hylands_cold.jpg for sniffles/coughs/colds in my littlest ones. For under 6mos I dissolve in small amount bre*stmilk or sterilized water. They are really soft, easy to swallow and the older dc say they taste good. They seem to help my dc, but again, not everyone on these boards is comfortable with homeopathy.

Could I find this at Wal-Mart or CVS?

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I would call and ask them if they carry it. I think if you call and speak to the pharmacist, they will order it for you, and you can just pick it up the next day.

I know that our WM can order special request items (that they don't normally stock) from their pharmaceutical supply companies, and it's there next day. I have order many homeopathic items that way. I think you can also find out online at their website which items can be ordered by your local pharmacy. (I think this is how I discovered this service).

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