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BJU Math users...


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What manipulatives should I get? Unifix cubes? A base ten set?? Both? I just sold our MUS manipulatives as they didn't seem quite a good fit anymore, but I'm not sure what to replace it with. I'd rather work with real cubes and such rather than the paper cut-out things that can be purchased with the program. We have 4 kiddos, so I figure the investment will be worthwhile.



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I know that BJU's video classes often use a very nice Base 10 set that they sell, but I don't know if it is needed. If you purchase the Student Materials Packet (or sometimes referred to as Manipulative's Packet) for each grade you should have all the manipulative's you will need to teach the concepts, but they ARE cardboard type paper. So if you want the real deal, I would purchase a Base 10 set.


Some items I always had on-hand were Popsicle sticks and Unifix cubes. Just cuz. ;) But I didn't mind the paper Base 10 that BJU provides in their packets. I must admit, I did drool over their real Base 10 set though. If I had had more youngun's like you do, I would probably have purchased it. ;)

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We did BJU for 2nd-4th. I didnt use that many manipulatives that I couldnt get around the house. A set of play money with both coins and paper was a big help. Also we used a set of counters that could be flipped (yellow on one side, red on the other). A clock with movable hands was a must. I also used M&Ms, popsicle sticks, and a number grid.

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We are using BJU 1 and BJU 3 for math. We bought the unifix cubes and the student packet. My 1st grader PREFERS to have what the teacher calls for. Although you could subsitute legos or knex legos. We too have the MUS blocks and they wouldn't fit for this. Also, they use the paper blocks and the unifix cubes. I guess for a variety.




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A base ten set is nice for when they show place value, and adding/subtracting large numbers - and especially for regrouping (75 + 15, where the 5 +5 make 10, and the one will be regrouped). The paper manips work fine for this, too, and for some reason, my children prefer the paper ones over the blocks (they groan when I drag out blocks, not sure why). For K & 1, it was kind of nice to have a set of unifix cubes for showing simple adding/subtracting strategies, but totally not necessary if you have a base ten set. So I guess if it was an either/or decision, I'd pick the base ten set. A clock is nice to have, although there is a paper one in the manip kit (but using a geared clock is better, because you can see how the hour hand moves as you move the minute hand). I have a bin of real money that we use - I prefer to use real quarters, nickels, dimes & pennies.

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We used both Unifix cubes and a base 10 set this year for 2nd grade. I think you can get by with just the Unifix cubes for K and 1st. It's not necessary that they be brand new manips from BJU though. Mine were second hand wherever I could find them most cheaply.

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