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Sunday School

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I'm not sure where to put this thread. I thought I'd start here. I don't like our Sunday School Curriculum very much. I was hoping to suggest something different. Who loves their church's Sunday School curriculum? I want something that isn't just geared to girls but also the wiggly boys. I also don't want a lot of fluff. I think it should be fun and not a lot of sitting around writing for the younger ages but be meaty also. Does anyone know of something like that. What about the Bible Explorer series? Would something like that work for a church?

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Our church uses curriculum published by Great Commissions Publications and I love it. I teach the 3rd-5th grade class and it's awesome. I learn more than the kids, probably. For winter quarter we studied the Tabernacle and the different aspects of OT worship and the sacrificial system and how they are a picture of Christ's ultimate sacrifice for us. It was good. Their 10 Commandments Unit was excellent as well.

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