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anyone want to play "diagnose that rash"?

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DD10 is covered in spots! They're mostly small and round, but some areas are red splotches. Flat, not itchy at all. Started on the tops of her feet and backs of her hands, and now cover her arms, legs, abdomen, and neck. None on face or soles of her feet, but some on the palms of her hands.


She had a negative strep test (both quick test an culture) about 9 days ago, and took a round of amoxicillin during that time.





I'll be calling the dr. in the morning, just wondered what you all thought.

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Heat rash? Has she been out in the sun at all during the time she was on amox.? That can make people more sensitive to the sun and they can get rashes. My son takes bactruim 3 days out of every week (long story), and anytime he goes in the sun even with sunscreen on he is covered in spots. Try using lotion on the spots, that seems to help my son.


Hopefully it resolves quickly.

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Rashes are crazy difficult to pin down. My old ped required an in-person visit for all rashes; he would not give any advice or meds without it.


Yup - especially now since so many kids have the chicken pox vaccine, if they do get a mild case, it doesn't look a lot like chicken pox.


I hope your doctor can solve it for you soon. Rashes are annoying! I hate it when doctors cannot figure it out. I agree that rashes are particular difficult in many cases to pin point.


Let us know if you get a resolution. Sorry I don't have any advice.

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Yup - especially now since so many kids have the chicken pox vaccine, if they do get a mild case, it doesn't look a lot like chicken pox.



Yep - I was kind of afraid this could be the case. That was older dd's experience - a very mild rash - but it still itched and this doesn't.


We'll see what the dr. says in the morning!

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I love playing diagnose the rash (as long as mom understands I'm just enjoying the game! I'm not a doctor!)


We've had a bizarre winter with rashes and fevers and all sorts of crazy stuff.


1. Ask about mono. Seriously. If a person has mono, and takes amox, they are quite likely to break out in a rash.


2. Ask about parvo virus (fifth disease).


3. Ditto the possible mild chicken pox or mild reaction to amox. I would reckon it's probably one of those two things.


Please give us an update!


Christy B, who loves medical mysteries!

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