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Need some advice on homeschool my niece possible (legal stuff)


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My SIL and BIL are getting a divorce. She lives in NY he lives here in TX. She called him 2 days ago and wanted to bring the kids to TX to stay with him for 3 months. They have no one to stay with while he works so all 3 kids will be with me. Oldest Niece is in K. I had planned to enroll her in public school today. I thought it would look better for BIL (legally) if we put her in school after being yanked out just to come to TX. Since I have HS DD how is in the same grade I can HS her. I am thinking about doing this instead. Just just needs to finish out K. Can I HS her or would it be better to send her? I have no clue what to do and have to go to the school soon and register her. BIL will not care if she goes or I HS her.

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or at least sign the papers and then you return them to the school. basically, the papers have to be signed by a legal guardian. it could also be a problem if he does not live in the same school zone as you. some schools would have no problem letting her go to the school you're zoned to since you'll be providing daycare; others go out of their way to make it as difficult as possible. and if he happens to live in a different school district, you'll be fighting an uphill battle to enroll her in yours.


i have no advice about the legal ramifications of enrolling her. just remember that kindergarten is NOT mandatory in texas...

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And my second suggestion is to think what's best in the short term for all the kids involved.


I'd get a lawyer.

I"m so sorry to ask this, but do you happen to have teaching credentials? I don't , so this is not about your ability, but about appearances. How does it " LOOK"

Most judges aren't going to understand homeschooling, they see failed families, not thriving ones, so it could look like daddy gets the kids and "doesn't even bother to enroll them in school"

If it were me, I'd enroll them in school, and take lots of pictures of them doing things with family. Especially the daddy.


It might be better in the short run to put them in school until the divorce is final. Everything that is done or your BIL HAS done for the last five yeras might be dragged out if this gets nasty. I think prepare for it to get nasty. and hope and pray that it doesn't.

Did I mention , I'd get a lawyer. or at least consult one. you are playing a game of appreances and one upmanship here.

Good luck.


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I have a friend that took over care for her neice and she is homeschooling. She actually has a court order or something like that that gives her custody. Given that....she is homeschooling her. It is not legal for you to homeschool someone elses child here in Florida...BUT...this way it is legal. I guess since she is the custodian currently. She even has social workers coming to check on the child and they are very happy that she is homeschooling her.


The neice is doing wonderful now and very happy.

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thanks for all the replies. We have decided to go ahead and HS her since if I put her in school it will be the 4th school I think she has went to this year. I think keeping her here will make her envoiment a little more stable for now and that way she does not have to re adjust to another new school this year and it only be for 6 weeks. We do HS co-op and they are all going to be allowed to go with us there and take the classes.


Someone asked what the ages were of the others. The boy is 4 and the other dd is 2. I am not totally sure the 2 year old will stay here in TX. Her mom says yes then no so I have no clue.

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Assuming she is of legal age that she has to be in a "school", whether that be HSing or Public school, you really need to know what the HSing laws in your state are for this situation.


If our state, it has to be a primary ie custodial, caregiver...in your case, the father. Anyone else doing the teaching is considered a private tutor, adn thus has a whole different set of rules that has to be followed, ie teaching certificate. I have a friend who is a foster parent, and even she is not allowed to HS the children who end up in her care, and these are usually long term placements of the children. These foster children are shuffled from family to family, which means school to school. But nope, they are not allowed to HS the foster children.


So if she doesn't HAVE to be enrolled, ie too young, then HS away. Otherwise I would REALLY make sure you are covering all your bases, especially for any future custody situations that may come up for the children.

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