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Any non-Christians use McGuffey's Readers?


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Just wondering if the two were incompatible. I've heard that the revised versions tone down the religious aspects a bit, but I don't like the way the pages are laid out - that just seems unnecessarily confusing to a young child.





I do like the idea of challenging the girls with the more complex language found in older books. If you do use McGuffey's as a non-Christian, how do you handle the religious aspects? If you don't use McGuffey's, are there any other readers you can suggest for a child who's rapidly advancing through the first set of BOB books?


Thanks for any input. :)

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Try this site http://www.google.books.com Sorry, this didn't work. Just search for google books.


In the search function type in first readers and then when it pulls up the page click full view in the pull down box at the top. I pulled up a lot of first readers that you might like and they are all pdfs so you can download them for free. If you really prefer having actual books then you could probably find them used online.


Also, try http://www.yesterdaysclassics.com I think they have some readers and we love their books!



Just a few options...HTH

Edited by Kfamily
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Most of the readers from that era are Christian to some degree. The later readers are less so.


You might have more luck with Sanders' Readers, they have some Christian content, but not as much, it's mainly just moral guidance.


On Google Books, go to advanced search, then type for dates "1800 - 1900," then type in "First Reader," then "Second Reader," etc. (Anything before 1800 will almost certainly be Christian in nature.)


Once you find some you like, you can either print them out or order used copies from Alibris or abebooks. They're amazingly cheap, the most I've paid for an old reader was $30 for a very old one in very good condition, most of mine were around $10. (And, I have a whole shelf worth from NJ antiquarian bookstores for around $5 each--all purchased before I had children or was considering homeschooling any future children I might have!)


Here's some syllable divided books you might also like:




Parker's First Reader has a fair amount of Christian content, but the rest of the Readers do not have as much. They also have some interesting elocution lessons. There is a link to them online at the bottom of my Webster page:




I have the whole series purchased from NJ bookstores, and Alibris and abebooks. Most of them were around $10.


Edit: I would pre-read each passage and decide which ones you find objectionable and skip those.

Edited by ElizabethB
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We use them and my kids really like them. The page does look confusing, we only use it for the story though and ignore all the little pronunciation stuff at the top. We probably skip every 10th one or so because it is too religious in content for us, but most of it is just fine, good moral tales I'd say but not overly religious. We do have the new version though.

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But to me there is a difference between offering stories from the Bible (there are a couple in the Elson Readers) and stating that certain things in the realm of a particular religion are absolute truth. I think the Elson Readers are perfect in that respect. I think being aware of some of the more famous stories in the Christian Bible is important. I am not interested in indoctronating my children with Christianity though.




That's exactly how I feel. I'll go take a look at the Elson Readers!

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