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Does anybody use the Konos timeline?


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It looks really nice, but I'm confused about something. Are there 2 different sets of timeline characters avaialble for the same characters? I hope that makes sense. Also, I didn't see any ancients available. Am I missing something?:confused:




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Are you not using it along with KONOS? The characters go along with each volume of KONOS, different people in each volume, and they're not studied chronologically (except in Vol. 2, and the only ancients would be early scientists). There are, of course, Bible characters, which are ancients of a sort :-)


Here's the list of all the characters studied. But remember that they are studied as part of a particular character trait.


The high school study does have ancients, though.

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No, I'm not using Konos. I was going to use just the timeline and figures with SOTW.


OIC. Well, you might be able to make it work, but it would be tricky. As I said, KONOS doesn't do history chronologically but by character traits, which is why the timeline is important for KONOS users.

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KONOS doesn't go chrono until High School.


We used them when doing KONOS and the boys loved them! I think it's great for the little kids.

Vol. 2 is chronological, sort of: ancient scientists, explorers, U.S. history from the pilgrims to the U.S. constitution. It's also the only volume where the character traits need to be done in the order they're presented: inquisitiveness, responsibility, love/generosity, courage, wisdom, loyalty.

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