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9th grade grammar....lite?

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After doing Abeka grammar every year for the past 5 years, my 14 y/o ds and I are ready to do some grammar lite. Don't get me wrong, I think Abeka grammar is very comprehensive. But...we are sooo ready for a grammar break. Hence, grammar lite. Really, is there any new grammar to learn after 8th grade?


In the English department, we are planning grammar, composition, and fundamentals of literature (I don't want to do full-on Am. Lit or Eng. Lit in 9th grade). More specifically, a semester of grammar & composition, and a semester of fundamentals of literature.


I am looking for recommendations for a 9th grade grammar program that will give my son a well-deserved break without causing him to lose any of what he's learned thus far.


I am up for any suggestions on a grammar program OR 9th grade scheduling, as this will be my first year HS high school.


Thanks in advance,


Val (in Southern MD)

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We have used Easy Grammar for this purpose. I find it to be an easier grammar program to use daily than ABeka, but it also gives the student another perspective-another way of looking at grammar. I also use Daily Grams with it. Between the two books we spend maybe fifteen minutes on grammar each day.



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Do you need a "curriculum"? Another route might be to have ds read/work through some other grammar and composition-related books. Some that come to mind are: Eats, Shoots, and Leaves, Our Mother Tongue, The Elements of Style, The Lively Art of Writing, The Art and Craft of Poetry, The Roar on the Other Side (also poetry), Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace...


Some of the books have actual writing assignments; for some you might want to have ds just outline or take notes. It would be a definite change of pace, although more difficult to schedule and evaluate.

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After doing Abeka grammar every year for the past 5 years, my 14 y/o ds and I are ready to do some grammar lite. Don't get me wrong, I think Abeka grammar is very comprehensive. But...we are sooo ready for a grammar break. Hence, grammar lite. Really, is there any new grammar to learn after 8th grade?


In the English department, we are planning grammar, composition, and fundamentals of literature (I don't want to do full-on Am. Lit or Eng. Lit in 9th grade). More specifically, a semester of grammar & composition, and a semester of fundamentals of literature.


I am looking for recommendations for a 9th grade grammar program that will give my son a well-deserved break without causing him to lose any of what he's learned thus far.


I am up for any suggestions on a grammar program OR 9th grade scheduling, as this will be my first year HS high school.


Thanks in advance,


Val (in Southern MD)


For 9th gr. I would focus heavily on writing, writing, writing. I use Put That in Writing, which incorporates grammar drill for each lesson.

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How about what might be a better program but only takes about 5 minutes per day AND has 4 high school levels?


You might look up Thinking Through Grammar. At first, I was leary since there was so little practice, but my ds has done well with it. There are about a semester's worth of chapters so you can either do it in a semester each or drag it out through the year.


Anyway, just an idea. I'm glad my stubborn streak didn't get in the way of us getting this program :)

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