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Since we're talking vaccines...

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I don't vax at all, but I've seen a few suggestions for what to do. This one is from Dr. Mercola:

In summary, this is a vaccination schedule that I would recommend:


No vaccinations until a child is two years old.

No vaccines that contain thimerosal (mercury).

No live virus vaccines (except for smallpox, should it recur).

These vaccines should be given one at a time, every six months, beginning at age 2:

A) Pertussis (acellular, not whole cell)

B) Diphtheria

C) Tetanus

D) Polio (the Salk vaccine, cultured in human cells)




Others go by Finland's national vaccine schedule:




And I'm pretty sure this is Dr. Sears method:

2 months: DTaP, Rotavirus


3 months*: Pc, HIB


4 months: DTaP, Rotavirus


5 months*: Pc, HIB


6 months: DTaP, Rotavirus


7 months*: Pc, HIB


9 months: Polio


12 months: Mumps, Polio


15 months: Pc, HIB


18 months: DTaP, Chickenpox


2 years: Rubella, Polio


2 1/2 years*: Hep B, Hep A (start Hep B at birth if any close relatives or caregivers have Hep B)


3 years: Hep B, Measles


3 1/2 years*: Hep B, Hep A


4 years: DTaP, Polio


5 years: MMR


6 years: Chickenpox


12 years: Tdap, HPV


12 years, 2 months*: HPV


13 years: HPV, Meningococcal (once Meningococcal vaccine is approved for age 2, Dr. Sears will move it there and delay Hep B by 6 months)



Before I made the decision not to vax I was considering the Finnish schedule, but ultimately decided it wasn't for me. I'd say you need to read up, talk with your doctor, and come up with your own plan that you all are comfortable with.

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Dd had everything recommended till the age of 2. After that we stopped. I don't think we will do anything until she is a bit older. I thing I'm going to have her get the Meningococcal vax at 12 or 13. Any thing else she can made the decision on with our input and education as she gets older.

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Dr. Sear's The Vaccine Book has three schedules in it- the regular, the delayed and the selective. I HIGHLY recommend it. It is a completely non biased book and had me questioning my choices so much that I really feel in the end I made a responsible and informed decision. I can't sing the praises of that book enough.

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My dd had all of her shot on schedule through 4 months. Then due to complications from the DTaP, she stopped all shots until after a year. After that, my doctor and I have had a continuous discussion about every vaccine. We weigh the risks and benefits of each. How reactive each is and how much "herd immunity" she is likely to have. How likely she is to be exposed to the illness and how serious the illness is. How long the vaccine has been around and what is in the prescribing insert on the types and numbers of reactions.


I should probably have a copy of what she has had so far, but I don't. It has been a really personal journey with a physician I trust. I know she will never, ever receive another dose of Pertusis vaccine in any form. As for the D and T in DTaP, maybe someday, but I don't have that type of trust. She hasn't just last month received her first dose of MMR and that is only because her brother is traveling to places that still have measles outbreaks. She had the Meningitis because of my past history with meningitis outbreaks in FL. She has had the Hib series and we are planning the Polio series soon. We do one shot at a time and always wait several months between shots.

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Dr. Sear's The Vaccine Book has three schedules in it- the regular, the delayed and the selective. I HIGHLY recommend it. It is a completely non biased book and had me questioning my choices so much that I really feel in the end I made a responsible and informed decision. I can't sing the praises of that book enough.



Yes! Great book.

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My dd had all of her shot on schedule through 4 months. Then due to complications from the DTaP, she stopped all shots until after a year. After that, my doctor and I have had a continuous discussion about every vaccine. We weigh the risks and benefits of each. How reactive each is and how much "herd immunity" she is likely to have. How likely she is to be exposed to the illness and how serious the illness is. How long the vaccine has been around and what is in the prescribing insert on the types and numbers of reactions.


I should probably have a copy of what she has had so far, but I don't. It has been a really personal journey with a physician I trust. I know she will never, ever receive another dose of Pertusis vaccine in any form. As for the D and T in DTaP, maybe someday, but I don't have that type of trust. She hasn't just last month received her first dose of MMR and that is only because her brother is traveling to places that still have measles outbreaks. She had the Meningitis because of my past history with meningitis outbreaks in FL. She has had the Hib series and we are planning the Polio series soon. We do one shot at a time and always wait several months between shots.


Can you give me a little more insight into the pertussis decision? What happened?


I'm getting ready to make my decisions with my two youngest unvaccinated children.


Thank you.



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Dr. Sear's The Vaccine Book has three schedules in it- the regular, the delayed and the selective. I HIGHLY recommend it. It is a completely non biased book and had me questioning my choices so much that I really feel in the end I made a responsible and informed decision. I can't sing the praises of that book enough.


And The Vaccine Book is the actual name of the book? Thanks so much!



Thanks to all who've responded - a great beginning to research for me.


Wulfborne - thanks so much for that! It's great and gives me an idea of what to look at/for. The links will be super helpful!



And I'm also curious about the pertussis thing - after all, the sickness itself is fairly common (at least around here) and is most dangerous at the younger ages, and I'm concerned about it from both ends. :) Information is always great!

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And The Vaccine Book is the actual name of the book? Thanks so much!



Thanks to all who've responded - a great beginning to research for me.






There you go!! Your library may have it. I still haven't bought it (but still plan on doing so) I have however check it out 3x for a total of 9 weeks each time!! It is a fabulous bookshelf reference.


ETA: I should add that it is also very parent friendly and is NOT a hard read!

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