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Anyone heard from Swellmomma?

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Aww Thanks ladies for thinking of me. YEs we are still here. The police are becoming a fixture in my home, correction the officer handling my case is, but truth be told he is very good looking so I am good with that hehe. Okay here's the update, yesterday my sister and dad each came to pick up a group of us(my dad took the 3 big kids, my sis came for me and baby so we could use nephew's car seat, meaning sis had to drop nephew off at grandma's first) talk about logistics of transporting a family of 5 when no one but me has a van. On our way home the car was back on the block, so I was finally able to get a full license plate. THe police had questioned the people living at the house the car was parked in front of the night before because we thought there was a connection between the guy that came after me and the guy living in the house. The people in the house say there isn't, and as soon as the car was parked there yesterday they phoned the officer to give him the license plate number, so apparently they are helping out how they can now.


"My" officer called me last night to let me know this and talk to me about the car I saw. He wanted to stop by last night to get my statement, but I have been dealing with a major headache since yesterday am so I asked him not to so I could sleep. (he worked night shift which means he usually comes knocking on my door between 10:30-11 pm. He let me know he is off duty tonight so if something happens I am to call 911 and not him like I would normally do. He is going to have the day shift guys track down the car, because it is an enterprise rental, and then hopefully we will get the name of the guy and move on from there.


I am supposed to go down to the station today to fill out another witness statement(I am getting quite the pile of these this week) to put the license plate number and vehicle id down in writing. So I have to work out with my family the logisitics of transporting me there, I think I will ask my neighbor to watch the kids while I do so to make it easier. So far things have stayed quiet though since our walk. Other than getting in and out of vehicles yesterday we have not left the house since he was watching us. WHich means the kids are getting stir crazy hence my headache listening to them run around yelling in the house, but they need to burn it off.


The insurance adjuster finally called yesterday while at was at my mom's cleaning out the van. So I have to call her back today and hopefully that means I can have it in the shop before the weekend and have a rental so I m not stranded here relying on others which I hate. And if things go well on the police end of things, hopefully the guy will also be arrested before the weekend giving me a chance to go into the weekend peaceful that things are getting back to normal.


We are still looking at options for moving. My parents finally conceeded that I was not like to put the kids back in school and go back to work f/t especially in a time like this just to pay them for a loan to buy a mobile, so then my mom asked if I was willing to go on welfare. Okay for my mom to ask me that she must be very panicked, because she and I share the same thoughts on welfare that is it a temporary thing for emergency situations. I do not feel it would be right to apply for welfare so I can buy a place kwim, it wouldn't be right. So that is not happening. So the brainstorming continues on how I can move to a place cheap enough for me to afford without going back to work f/t , allow me to keep homeschooling and be safe enough to warrant a move. I refuse to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire which in my city is very possible. I did think about running away to the AMish, but I have a feeling 90% of my lifestyle choices they would disagree with, and then I would not have computer access to talk with all you ladies and that just wouldn't do. BUt the notion of hiding the children away from the world until they are grown and I can make sure they are safe until adulthood and then reintroduce them to the world sure is appealing right now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't heard anything more since the photo line-up. I am terrible with faces and there was 2 possible guys but I didn't want to say yes to the wrong guy so I said no to both but explained that to the cops. I did see the cops canvassing again after the line up but since then nothing. On the plus side he has not been around the house either, so I am feeling more confident and we are venturing outside more. My van is back from the shop. THe shop accidently broke a peice inside while replacing the glass, but there isn't much they could have done to avoid that. And of course the outside of my van looked heinous with all the sticky stuff from the duct tape that we used to hold ont he plastic. Life is slowly returning to normal after all of this. The kids are still freaked out though, the night we got the van back Austin slept maybe a total of 45 minutes, and that was in the livingroom, he was at teh window checking if the guy was coming back all night long. He already had anxiety disorder so you add something like this in the mix and it just makes all of that flair up. He is refusing to go to cadet camp this weekend, because he is worried something will happen to us while he is gone and he won't be able to help me. He is wanting to take on the role of "man of the house" and protect us but doesn't understand he is still just a little boy and it is my job to protect him not the other way around. I will not force him to go to camp because I know how that will turn out, but it breaks my heart that he feels compelled to give up something like that because of that jerk.


After talking with friend's of my neighbor (who happen to be resident managers of a housing ocmplex associated with the program I am in) I will not be moving. SHe said the trouble that is in those places is way worse than me dealing with this one guy. I have good neighbors on either side of me, and space for the kids to play etc. She said the drugs, breakin's and violence in the complex's is rampant. Not something I want to move my children into. SO here we stay until I can buy something else.


So life if coming back on an upswing and starting to improve in many areas not jsut this one.

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