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Here's a new approach....tell your kids they CAN'T learn something....

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The other day my dd(11.5) told me she wanted to learn Greek. Ds(10) said he did NOT want to learn Greek!!! (He was disgusted by the very idea.) I told him he did have to. I went ahead and ordered a program for my dd and today I was telling her that I ordered her the Greek program.


Son: Did you order me one?

Me: No, you said you didn't want to learn.

Son: Well, are you going to learn?

Me: Yes, I'll probably learn along with dd.

Son: Well, I kind of want to learn the alphabet and a few words.

Me: But, I already ordered the books and I didn't get you one.

Son: Do you think you could order another one for me?


LOL!! If I had told him he had to do it, he would have complained and complained!! Then he went and got out the Greek mythology book and started looking at all the letters trying to learn them so he would be ahead of the rest of us, I'm sure. He's a competitive one and wouldn't want his sister to know something that he doesn't know.

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Son, you may not learn your multiplication tables, your spelling words or your Latin declensions. By the way, don't even think about eating your vegetables! So, when do you think they'll figure out this reverse psychology stuff?:D


I've always tried not to abuse reverse psychology with this kid (even though it works SO WELL with him) because I remember when my stubborn brother figured it all out and then my mom was a bit stuck with how to deal with him. :001_smile: But, if it makes him want to learn Greek.....so be it. :001_smile:

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