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What is an appropriate gift for a retiring minister (70 yo)?

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What would bless him? a gift certificate to a restaurant? Tickets to his favorite sports team? A really nice sweater? I wouldn't focus so much on the event and focus on the person. What does he like. Personally, at 70 he might in a downsizing mode so knick-knack type stuff might not be a good idea. There's a couple of pennies for you to rub together.:D

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How much are you thinking of spending?


Would money be out of the question?


I really detest gift cards, although I know sometimes they are the only way to go. Visa gift cards are the best, imo. They can be used anywhere, not just a particular store or restaurant.


The day of golf sounds good. What about a massage? A book. Book on CD.


If he's well off, a donation to his favorite charity or church. A book in his name to his seminary.


Would he like to take up a new hobby? Gardening tools. Bird watching. A bird feeder. Cooking books or utensils.


A nice bottle of wine.


Could you send him some fresh Hawaii pineapple?:001_smile: One a month for a year?


There's some site out there that will send a nut-of-the-month. Or perhaps a dessert of the month?


Does he have an ipod? Itunes gift card?


Depending on where he lives....a tree for his yard.


A digital frame or a small camera.


Is this just from your family? Could some family members go in together for a gift? We're all going in together to get my dad a cool gun that he's always wanted.


ETA: tickets for a play or symphony.

Edited by Aggie
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