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Could this be TMJ?

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Do these symptoms sounds like TMJ?


My cheeks, eyes, above eyes, nose and area around my lips hurt. Very sensitive to light and can hardly keep my eyes open. Vision will be blurry. Feels like there is a lot of pressur ein my eyes.


I ocassionally get head aches/pain in the back of my head near the hair line.


I have very tight knots in my shoulders, neck and upper back.


My face is always sore and I think i am always clenching my face muscles. I am sitting here trying to keep them relaxed and it's making me aware how much I tighten them. My upper lip and front teeth are sore.


My back teeth hurt a lot. I recently went to the dentist thinking I needed a root canal cause I had teeth hurting that had fillings. He said the teeth were fine but had some wear and small cracks.


I realized last night when I woke ( from the one hour of measly sleep I got) that I was clenching my jaw shut.


Every now and then my jaw will lock and POP real loud and HURT like crazy. This happens mostly on the right side, which is the side my ear is ringing! I am thinking back and I am pretty sure it locked and popped the day or a few days before the ringing started. It's hard to remember but I know it was recently.


Right now the pointy area of my right jaw is very sore to the touch, but I had a massage today, so the could be why.


To me, it feels like I can't open my mouth very wide. It feels tight, but I am not sure if I am imagining this now or not lol.


My right ear has been ringing non-stop since last Friday and the left feels plugged. Both ears are itchy. Also, for the last few months I would get a quick, sharp deep pain in the right ear every few weeks.


When I talk for long periods of time, like reading outloud my throat hurts, like my "voice" is sore. If that makes sense.


I don't get a clicking or hear any noise when I open and shut my jaw.


Do you think this is TMJ? If so what do I do? Who do I see? Dentist? ENT? oral Surgeon? Or..?



Edited by Quiver0f10
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I have TMJ and some of the symptoms you list do sound like it...but it sounds a lot more like sinus issues than TMJ to me.


My TMJ causes constant popping, sore to the touch jaw joints and FORGET rubbing deeper than just a touch. OUCH! It causes pain in my ears and sometimes headaches that feel like I am wearing a headband (pain is up at the top of my head). It does also cause pain in my neck and sholders.


TMJ does NOT cause cheeks, eyes, above eyes, nose and area around lips to hurt. Very sensitive to light and can hardly keep my eyes open. Vision will be blurry. Feels like there is a lot of pressure in my eyes. The bold sentence is not TMJ at all...definitely sounds a lot like sinuses. However, the blurry vision would worry me a bit.


When I talk for a long time, my JAW hurts...not my throat. Again, this sounds a lot like sinuses or maybe a combo of the two. I would see an ENT and have your sinuses checked first. If those are clear (and remember, they may feel clear but not be. Mine will not drain if I get an infection so I get all sorts of craziness going on before I realize it is a sinus infection because it doesn't present the same way that most do in other people), then go see a dentist that specializes in TMJ. You will have to really look, but they are all over the place. Consult your insurance company if you can't find one.


Good luck!

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This sounds very much like a problem that my mother had off and on. She went to several dentists, thinking it was her teeth, but it turned out to be her sinuses and inner ear problems. If you can get a referral to an ear-nose-throat specialist, I'd give that a try.

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I went to an ENT recently for my ear pain and he knew right away I had TMJ from my symptoms. He did test my hearing, but recommended I get a mouth guard or see my dentist to get one. My dentist had mentioned TMJ to me last year but I thought nothing of it b/c I had no pain at the time.


Currently my jaw clenching is really bad and I have pain in my ear all the time, and now teeth/jaw pain, shoulder pain and headaches are twice as worse.


an ENT will be able to diagnose it quickly. or your dentist if you grind your teeth.


hope you find relief soon. it's an annoying problem and today has been a painful day for me too! the information the Dr gave me was from the internet, so keep searching online and I hope you find the answers you need.

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It could also be that the pain/discomfort from your sinuses is causing you to tighten up your shoulder and neck muscles and clench your teeth.


I went into the dentist last month feeling sure that I needed a root canal and it ended up being my sinuses and swollen glands in my throat and the back roof of my mouth. I guess all of the swelling was somehow irritating a nerve. My tongue felt raw, and I would get this shooting pain in my bottom front teeth. I was miserable. In my case, a few weeks of flonase (nasal spray) shrunk everything back to normal.


:grouphug: I hope you get some relief soon.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest dental2009
Do these symptoms sounds like TMJ?


My cheeks, eyes, above eyes, nose and area around my lips hurt. Very sensitive to light and can hardly keep my eyes open. Vision will be blurry. Feels like there is a lot of pressur ein my eyes.


I ocassionally get head aches/pain in the back of my head near the hair line.


I have very tight knots in my shoulders, neck and upper back.


My face is always sore and I think i am always clenching my face muscles. I am sitting here trying to keep them relaxed and it's making me aware how much I tighten them. My upper lip and front teeth are sore.


My back teeth hurt a lot. I recently went to the dentist thinking I needed a root canal cause I had teeth hurting that had fillings. He said the teeth were fine but had some wear and small cracks.


I realized last night when I woke ( from the one hour of measly sleep I got) that I was clenching my jaw shut.


Every now and then my jaw will lock and POP real loud and HURT like crazy. This happens mostly on the right side, which is the side my ear is ringing! I am thinking back and I am pretty sure it locked and popped the day or a few days before the ringing started. It's hard to remember but I know it was recently.


Right now the pointy area of my right jaw is very sore to the touch, but I had a massage today, so the could be why.


To me, it feels like I can't open my mouth very wide. It feels tight, but I am not sure if I am imagining this now or not lol.


My right ear has been ringing non-stop since last Friday and the left feels plugged. Both ears are itchy. Also, for the last few months I would get a quick, sharp deep pain in the right ear every few weeks.


When I talk for long periods of time, like reading outloud my throat hurts, like my "voice" is sore. If that makes sense.


I don't get a clicking or hear any noise when I open and shut my jaw.


Do you think this is TMJ? If so what do I do? Who do I see? Dentist? ENT? oral Surgeon? Or..?




When I started to grind my teeth .. it hurt like hell! I went to an orthodontist and recommended a custom-made/boiled night guard. He told me it would cost like $300-400.00!!!! I went online to search for more affordable night guards. I read reviews on Dentek/Splintek/Doctor's Brand and they seemed okay. I needed something quickly during that time .. because I was fearing TMJ. I finally found a company by the name of 'TotalGard'. They had some great night guards. I am still wearing my 'StressGard' and my grinding is no longer with me. I hope this helps.


- Plardo

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