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Chess please


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My 8yr old son loves chess and is starting to drice me up the wall. He recently learned to play chess and now he wants to play all the time. I found him a local chess class starting in March but we need something now. I love playing with him, but just need a rest sometimes. He has read every book he can get his hands on and now he wants to try out everything he has seen in the books. Does anyone know of a good computer chess game? Downloads? Etc.

Edited by USDGAL
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I don't have any answers, but I'm interested too! My 10yo dd really likes a strategy game called Hive - she can beat the pants off everyone in the family, including the adults. I recently found a free online version because no one will play with her anymore - she's been beating the computer. So I've been thinking I should teach her chess, but I'm honestly not that good. Good chess teaching software would be great!

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You can buy software, but I honestly got sick of storing software and dealing with it not working with newer systems. So, I use the free things on the internet whenever I can.


My son plays this one a lot. We had the same problem -- he always wanted to play chess, but only Dad would play with him.




Here's something to teach chess:



My boys did love Lego Chess, but it doesn't work on my Vista now. I've heard good things about Fritz and Chesster:


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Thanks..just what I needed. What's hive? Maybe mine will be interested..Hmm:D The funny thing is that I taught him chess about 6 months ago using Chess For Children and he caught on so fast, I was shocked. My 18 yr old brother inlaw lives with us and plays so it was fine at first, but then he wanted to play non-stop. My husband, who never played chess, started getting books to learn. That has helped, there are now three adults that can play, but still not enough. His older brother won't play any more because he always wins. Well wish me luck, oh and please, let me know about hive.

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You might have a chess game on your computer already. We have windows vista -- if you click on the "start flag" (for lack of a better name for it), then click on "games," Chess Titans is one of the options. It's pretty hard (imo, I can't beat the darn thing, lol!) -- but my 7 yo DS can't get enough. You click on the piece you want to move, and the board lights up for possible moves, including a different color if you could capture a piece. The game doesn't let you put your king into check either. So there is some learning involved, at least in level 2.

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Well wish me luck, oh and please, let me know about hive.


Here's the link to the online game:



My dd was sooo excited when we found an online version! She's made herself a little tally sheet to count how many times she's beaten the computer...


There is also a very nice little wooden game, if anyone's out there who has at least two people in the family who want to play (it's a two-person game) - well actually I just looked and I can't find anything other than a plastic version now (sold at the same website the online game is at). Hm, I got mine on clearance someplace, maybe they don't make the wooden version anymore...

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I have a blog post with a gazzillion chess type things listed on it. HTH!


You are on my favorites now, and to the rest of you thanks a bunch. All that stuff will keep him busy for awhile. I forgot to mention, we are in Mexico so no US tournaments, but I found one here that he will begin next month. Thanks:)

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