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getting the flu and the flu vaccine

flu and vaccine  

  1. 1. flu and vaccine

    • vaccinated, no flu
    • vaccinated, got the flu really badly anyway
    • vaccinated and had very mild flu symptoms
    • not vaccinated but swear I will next yr b/c I got the flu!!

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Well, we are clean people, eat healthfully, and do all you're supposed to do, but we were still getting the flu once and sometimes twice a year. It was horrid! A couple times my dd and I had it so bad we were all worried, especially for dd being so very sick!


We tried the flu shot one year, it's covered by insurance, and we were so tired of getting so sick! We didn't get sick at all that year(must've been a good year for guessing which strains to include), and were soooo relieved! We've gotten them each year since, and have not been sick with the flu since we started getting the shots! Now I'm almost afraid NOT to get them! I know they don't cover everything, but it's certainly seemed to truly help our family!

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Honestly, I think more people think "flu" when it really isn't the flu. I have had the true "flu" one time in my life and I thought I was dying. My now 9y/o had the flu ONE TIME in his life and I thought he was dying too. It is terrible stuff when it is the true flu.


I agree with this statement. I've only had the flu once in my entire life and that was last winter while I was pregnant. I was literally in bed for five days. There was no doubt in my mind that I had the flu. I see people out and about that aren't feeling well and say "Oh, I think I've got the flu..." If you have the flu, honey, you know it!


I don't think flu shots are necessary at all (as I said, I've had the flu only once in 28 years, and only vaccinated this year) but I am grateful that vaccines are available for those in high risk categories.

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I'm probably an anomaly, but...


I was vaccinated for mumps and I got the mumps :blink: (horrible btw),


Dd & I were both vaccinated for whooping cough and we both got whooping cough :glare: (lasted 5 months),


Neither I, dh or dc have ever had a flu vaccination and none of us has ever had the "flu" :hurray:.


I still lean in favor of immunizations for some diseases, but for flu, nada - I feel we are healthy and can afford the risk - it's worked for us so far (not that I could/would make that decision for anyone else).



p.s.-couldn't vote in poll - a no/no answer was an option

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we dont get the flu shot and despite Influenza Strain A hitting our house last March, even the 4 month old baby got it, it doesn't make me want to get a flu shot for my family.


Seems to me that the strains in the shot would be supressed in the community vaccinated against them, and any strain not in the shot would run rampant. So what you're more likely to get is a strain not in the shot whether vaxed or unvaxed.

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I wouldn't get the vaccine, despite having the flu this year. I discussed this very topic w/ a pharmacist the night the first of us got sick, and it seems that the strain of flu that is running rampant (around here anyway) is NOT the strain in the innoculation. It's always a gamble, right?




Very often this is the case. So we inject our bodies with chemicals and preservatives, actually weakening our immune systems, and then get sick anyways.

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I'm curious how many of you that have the flu actually were vaccinated. (OK, more than curious. Worrying about my (big) baby and the flu he was probably exposed to last night.) All of my kids were vaccinated and so far we have avoided the flu (but not the stomach yuckies)


I could not respond to the poll since:

I will NOT get the shot and in the last 52 yrs have had the flu ONE time.


My mom got the shot one year, immediately landed in the hospital, unable to walk cause her hip socket had locked up, and the coincidental or not (She thought not), she had to have her hip replaced. At the age of 51yo.


No vaccine, no flu, never.



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