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Latin for 9 year old?

Amy loves Bud

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Amy, I think you should take a look at Memoria Press' new middle-school level Latin program, First Form Latin. You may even still be able to get it at the Beta price. I've heard it's more accessible than Henle for younger ages and if your child has done well with LC than continuing with MPs style might be a good idea for you.




You might have to call MP directly to see if you can still order the Beta.

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But, just to let you know...if you're solid after LCII, Henle is what my daughter started doing at an early 10. Of course, my mom does it with her. I also have her spend quite a bit of time with Latin. I'm trying to work her up towards an hour a day, which is the suggested time. The first of Henle, is review of LC.


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Thanks for the info.


FIRST FORM: First Form sounds like it is designed for just our situation. I"m a little concerned that they will stop the Beta program (which we aren't ready to do) and not have the program published in time for us. But it does sound perfect.


LATIN PREP: I have always been intrigued by what I've read about Latin Prep. Looking at the sample it seems to approach Latin so differently from LC that I worry it will be confusing. Does anyone have experience with this?


CAMBRIDGE: This is interesting. I hadn't thought of something like this and I'll have to research it some. Thanks for the idea - it's good to hear from someone who has a child who was at about the same place at the same age.


Thanks for the insight!

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Amy, I think you need to identify if you want a parts to whole approach or a whole to parts approach. LC is a parts to whole. Cambridge is a whole to parts. Latin Prep is also a parts to whole. For a while I used a combination and while my kids enjoyed both programs they far prefer LP for its humor and ease. Because of time constraints we dropped the other but I plan on doing some more of it lightly over the summer just because I have them.


As far as going from LC to LP there will be some differences but in my opinion not enough to deter. We used about half of LC (maybe more) and dd finds the explanations in LP much clearer. She enjoys reading and translating much more than memorizing. In a few places in the LP books you will have to cover up their charts and rewrite the declensions in the American order as the British use a different order and some words are spelled differently. I just point it out and move on.



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