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Which History Encyclopedia to buy?


SOTW recommendations?  

  1. 1. SOTW recommendations?

    • The Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World
    • The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (revised)
    • The Usborne Book of the World History
    • The Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History

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I'm planning to use SOTW 1 for my first grader and looking to buy an encyclopedia recommended in the Activity book.


So, if you use SOTW, which one is your favorite and why? We have a limited budget so I can only afford to buy one. Oh, and I would like the one that's not heavily promoting evolution.


Thanks in advance!


The Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World

The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia

The Usborne Book of World History

The Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
The Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History


This would be my choice for the early elementary years. It has well-written text and captivating pictures to illustrate what you're reading about in SOTW. Plus, you can't beat the inclusion of the internet links. They're really good and appear to be kept updated pretty well because they're maintained on the Usborne site, not listed in the book as a url. It's the one I bought for the first go around and I really love it.

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For a 1st grader, I'd definitely go with one of the Usborne encyclopedias.


I voted for the UBWH. I got it when we were using SL, and we enjoyed it. We are now using it for the second time with some of my younger children, and they also find it engaging.


I imagine the internet-linked encyclopedia is excellent as well. Can you see if your library has both of them and compare to see which one you like best?





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This would be my choice for the early elementary years. It has well-written text and captivating pictures to illustrate what you're reading about in SOTW. Plus, you can't beat the inclusion of the internet links. They're really good and appear to be kept updated pretty well because they're maintained on the Usborne site, not listed in the book as a url. It's the one I bought for the first go around and I really love it.


I agree here. I love the internet-links as well as the visual appeal for the younger set. I do have the Kingfisher red encyclopedia and like it for middle elementary years.

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I chose UBWH because this is the book we started with and my son loves. So much so, that I had to buy UBILE this past weekend because the other one has completely lost its cover due to excessive reading by him. Since he loves Time Traveler and those pages are in UBILE I figured it would be a nice addition. I was right, the first day home he read from prehistoria to the middle ages.


You can't go wrong with Usborne at this age.

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I'm currently using SOTW with my first grader and just using books from the library. I don't think referencing an encyclopedia would be beneficial for him at this age. FWIW.


My olders used Kingfisher for the middle grades.

:iagree: We aren't starting the Kingfisher until this fall.

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I picked Usborne Internet Linked WH but I would go to a bookstore and see about comparing it to DK's History: The Definitive Visual Guide - from the Dawn of Civilization to the Present Day.


I bought both Kingfisher and Usborne, kept Usborne and donated Kingfisher to the library. I will be purchasing the Definitive Visual Guide soon, we'll be done with the Usborne in a couple of weeks. For 1st grade I think Usborne is enough but it also depends on how you're using it.

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