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My kids are requesting Abeka!


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Would you defer to them if Abeka would excite them? My daughter was look at the sample pages and saying how fun and interesting it looked. Of course she's 7 and we are thinking of using Abeka Math and English (spelling and maybe not the Reading). But the History and Science are full of twaddle! Im all :bigear:... LOL... But both kids thought that the textbooks looked fun *shrug*


Oh and a history of us.. DD did not like Sonlight Core 1 that we started at the beginning of the year. She read all the Usbornes to herself (and retained alot) and we are still working through the RA's for fun. In Jan we switched back to AO year 2. She's 3/4 the way through term 1. DS is in Year 1 and on week 4 or 5 I think. They both agreed that they liked AO reading list. I guess we could do both...:confused:

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I remember my kids requesting this at that age. My ds still likes Horizons math as a 6th grader as it is colorful and fun. Although he now can deal with many B&W texts.


One year we had tried a different program and they requested to go back to the 3rd edtion Bob Jones Writing/English. We did use it for a few years and they moved past that.


She is 7, I would allow her at least a few books she finds fun.



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I switched to sl this year with my girls, but they also use abeka. They love the math and la. MY 6 yo uses the first grade letters and sounds and language 1 along with math. She does one page from each book a day in minutes.


My 7 yo does the 3rd grade abeka math, with abeka 3 la. Both still do SL LA 1 and 2 int. Both together along with SL only take me about 2 hours or less.


That given my girls love the abeka math. My 7 yo used abeka 2 last year and this year is a very strong reader and great in math. I dont know if it has to do with abeka or if she is just "good" at reading. This year we added in Diamond notes first then IEW for writing and her writing has taken off.


I dont like abeka science or history at all. I can give or take the history from core 1 but the history in core 4 is wonderful. I just add in sotw along with core 1 I see my girls are learning a ton. But I wouldnt recommend abeka science or history (that is just me!!)

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mine like the color pages too! we are using 2nd grade materials, and they love the health and science, the lessons are short enough and enjoyable. My kids are just workbooky :D types..we tried almost every main unit study out there but they prefer the structure and routine of Abeka, I am going to supplement Sl cores 3 & 4 with our history, I do use SL read alouds as well.

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We use A Beka, but we're only doing kinder. I think the worksheets are very well done and colorful. I'm not overly thrilled with the History or Science, but we'll be supplementing that with other stuff. I like A Beka because it's easy to use and the lessons are spelled out for me. I like homeschooling, I'm committed to it, but I'm not "totally in to it!" KWIM? I don't want to spend all my time putting together a curriculum and A Beka works for me. (Do I sound a little defensive? Probably! Sorry!)

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First off, I have to say that I would not do something I hated. But if they really want to try it, and you have no serious reasons to dislike it, I would definitely incorporate some of it into what you are doing.


Some kids really like workbooks, and they definitely have a time and place for usefulness. Could you compromise and use them for English and math and still do AO for science and social studies work?


As far as A Beka goes, I like their math in the lower grades especially. The have some decent books, so, like with everything else, use what you think will work for you and for them, and save the arguments for the stuff that you really feel strongly about. It certainly doesn't have to be all or nothing here.


Good luck!

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I started out with Abeka... it worked great for Kindy and 1st grade. I like their Math, Phonics, and Language. My oldest is in 3rd grade and we are now using Winter Promise and SOTW for History, and Geography. For science we use Apologia. Next year we will be doing SOTW, it's fabulous.... science, well we havent found something we really like just yet. I may look into RS4K.


I say try out Abeka, it's a good program. If it's what your kids like, use it. Who cares what anyone else thinks.

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Is it what ***you**** think is best? If not, I'd choose what I think is best and go on. Personally, until they're a lot older, like high school, I don't give my kids many choices when it comes to curriculum. (And even in high school the choices were limited.)


:iagree:. I wouldn't use it unless it helped me to achieve our family's goals for education.

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