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Love to Learn homeschool handbook

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Just so you know . . . they are LDS (Mormon).


So am I--so I'm certainly not knocking Mormons here--but I know that "worldview" is important to a lot of people, and if yours doesn't align with theirs, this might not be the best resource for you.


I personally don't care for much of what I have seen in their catalogy--way, way too conservative for me. And I should mention, although I haven't personally verified this, that I have heard that they publish one edition of their catalog for LDS and one for others, which bothers me. Maybe it shouldn't, but it does.

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I could care less that they are Mormon and that they have two sights. I've ordered from them and they had great service!


I think that if you knew about the tactics of Target or Walmart you'd not buy from them either. But so their Mormon. It's just not an issue for me enough to not buy from them.

Edited by alilac
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Do any of you use this book? I'm thinking of buying it, but money is tight. The samples on http://www.lovetolearn.net look good, but I am interested in any feedback.


I'm anxiously awaiting for it it to arrive any day now! I've ordered from LTL in the past and their service was very good. Their catalog has always been one of my favorites. I have no qualms about ordering from them and the fact that they have two different web sites is not a big deal to me either. I look at it as a marketing thing. They're trying to reach as many people as they can...Makes sense to me! I'll post again after I receive and review the handbook.

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Well, thanks for all that information. I am not Mormon nor religious at all. However, certain values which are often equated with conservative religious beliefs make a lot of sense to me even without the religious perspective. Ds is struggling quite a bit right now (which in turn means the whole family is affected) and I think some of those values and practices might help him. I'm really off topic here....

Anyway, some of the samples I saw as well as her other posts really made a lot of sense to me. I am wondering if the Mormon aspect will be more apparent in the whole book. And maybe that doesn't matter....:confused:

I don't think I am bothered that they have two websites, unless other LDS get discounts and the rest of don't, lol.... Do you know if there are any differences between the sites?

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that if they have two websites it would be a concern. I live ten minutes away from their store--they do have a lot of conservative Christian products, a lot of secular products, and a smaller selection of products that would be mostly interesting to LDS homeschoolers. If they have a website without the LDS products that would show me they are being sensitive to the fact that some of their customers aren't LDS--and might not be as interested in some of the resources (such as Book of Mormon related scripture study aids) or perhaps not as familiar with LDS 'culture' and 'terminology' (such as Family Home Evening or Primary or the Proclamation on the Family).


I really don't see that it would be considered 'slimy.' Different families are looking for different resources.


As for the OP, I haven't read the book, but have been happy with other products I've purchased there.

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I have an older version of the book. It is not LDS'ish at all. I have ordered from them for many years. The old version of the handbook is really a guide that tells you when and how, to use the products they sell, to homeschool. It is kind of like WTM. It tells you (in there opinion) what the best homeschool materials are and how to implement them. It gives you choices instead of just one item for each subject. Many of the suggestion will overlap what you see people discussing in this forum; actually most all of them will. It does not follow a WTM history cycle. It is really big on American History.


It is designed for big families and how to get it all done if you have a large family. It's suggestion are not as rigorous as WTM.


Do you have their catalog? They have good service. If you get on their email list you can wait to order when they offer free or very reduced shipping.

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I don't think I am bothered that they have two websites, unless other LDS get discounts and the rest of don't, lol.... Do you know if there are any differences between the sites?


Good point. I didn't think of that. That would bother me also!! I don't know if there are any differences, but I'm off to compare prices of the items I just bought.

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Good point. I didn't think of that. That would bother me also!! I don't know if there are any differences, but I'm off to compare prices of the items I just bought.


Okay, folks. I just spent some time perusing the LDS site and found absolutely nothing different price-wise with regards to the items that I ordered. The shipping is the same and all items I ordered cost the same on both sites. I also noticed that if you click on some of the links on the LDS site (Heart to Heart with Diane, Curriculum, and Homeschool Handbook) they redirect you to the Love to Learn homeschool site...So, clearly, they are not trying to hide the fact that they have two web sites. I didn't spend a lot of time on their LDS site, but I'm assuming they offer some products on that site that are unique to those who are LDS and that those visiting their homeschool site might not be interested in. I did notice that the LDS site has a "Discussions" forum which is not on the LTL homeschool site. Not a big deal at all. I think you can safely order from them without worrying that they're scamming. They seem like an upstanding family and I am happy to shop with them and support their business.

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Stacy Tea, I was actually kidding about price differences! I didn't really think there would be. Oh my. Sometimes this way of communicating is inadequate and frustrating. I think if we had been talking IRL it would've been more clear. I am glad to hear your report, though. Thank you.


Tabrett thanks for the info on the book. Now I'm not sure it would be as helpful if it is designed to work specifically with their products. Hmmmm......

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Stacy Tea, I was actually kidding about price differences! I didn't really think there would be. Oh my. Sometimes this way of communicating is inadequate and frustrating. I think if we had been talking IRL it would've been more clear. I am glad to hear your report, though. Thank you.




Your welcome :) FWIW, I really couldn't tell that you were kidding about your concern about price differences and it made me curious (especially since I just ordered something from their LTL website a few days ago). More than anything, someone else mentioned that she thought it was slimy that this company had two websites, so I simply wanted to let others know that I did not agree with this. Things often come across differently online. It's the nature of this form of communication. No worries ;)

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