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A strange thing just happened...

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All my dc and my dh fell asleep from 4:30-6:30. My only dc who takes a nap is my 1yo. All my dc have dropped their afternoon naps at 2yo.


My house was so peaceful. I felt like I had taken a nap.


If my dc could only realize how much I crave quiet and how much better a mom I would be if they would just be a little calmer and quieter.


I think noise is one of my "triggers".


Any suggestion on how to get a 1yo, 3yo and a very active 5yo to be more calm, quiet, not ask so many question and not fight?:001_huh:


I imagine dc sitting on the floor playing nicely with toys, but IRL it is mostly screaming, running around in circles and jumping up and down.


Right now the peace is gone. They are running with their stuffed animals making the animals sound very loudly.:glare:

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"Quiet time"


If they don't want to take a nap, then they play quietly in their rooms. If they get noisy, they have to stay on their beds, if they stay noisy, they lose their toys and it's 'nap' time.


Everyday we have 30 mins to 1 hour of quiet time so Mommy does not lose her sanity. :D

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I just don't tolerate a lot of yelling and running around--the place for that is outside. ITA lovedtodeath--wear them out a bit (but not too much--overtired is overwired!).


I think a lot of it is expectations. Just like I wouldn't allow dumping toys or throwing things, I don't allow rude and obnoxious behaviour. Not saying it's quiet all the time around here (well, it is, but I mean when family with noisy kids are around), but there's a time and a place for the level of noise you are talking about. I have a friend who just won't say NO and Time to Be Quiet! at her house, and she always has a headache and is harried. It's a boundary issue, I think.


Another thing that helps is "Divide and Conquer." Do you have space to put one or two in a separate place for a while? Make a quiet time in your day. It doesn't have to be total isolation, but the olders could probably handle a book on cd or tape alone, and the youngest will nap, right? Give them a snack and send them off for 20 minutes at first, then go to 30, then...and so on. A good hour of quiet works wonders.


As long as you don't expect quiet and calm ALL the time, you can train your kids to respect your boundary and needs. IMO.

Edited by Chris in VA
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Well, you have to wear them out first. Make sure that they get plenty of outdoor play, or some continuous aerobic exercise indoors.

My youngest ds has the opposite reaction to activity that dd and older ds have. The harder we play, the more energy he has, the less he wants to sit, be quiet, or rest. Lol, mil thought she'd show me how easy it is to get him to sit still... she had him climbing the walls in no time ;)

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When naps stopped around here, I instituted "quiet time." At that time, both kids went to their rooms and played quietly alone. If they fell asleep, great. If not, they could play QUIETLY with toys and my oldest could read or play quietly...just not with nintendo games. It worked well. Now my older son is 9.5 and my younger is 5.5. While I do not make them do quiet time anymore on a daily basis, I do often keep that in my arsenal should things get out of hand. I often separate them when they are fighting too much or screaming too much. I think THEY need that time apart as much as I need for them to have it. :)

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