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2/3 run/fitness check-in

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Ran 5 miles this morning. I have a lower mileage week scheduled and am glad of it. Like I mentioned yesterday, the ueber-long runs are taking the fun out of this for me.


Wow. 5 miles is my long run at this point! I look forward to reading how far you run. Glad to hear you're taking a break this week!


I ran for 25 minutes, walked for 15. It was a good run, and I think I'll be able to run for 30 minutes next week (which would be 2 miles, I'm slow).


Great job!!! 2 miles in 30 minutes is great! To be able to run 30 minutes straight is a great achievement!!!


My legs feel like carp though! My stride is off and I don't know why. Running with a normal stride hurts.


Time Taken: 00:52:23

Total Distance: 5.05 mi.

Burned: 525 (kcal)

Pace: 10:22 (avg)

Speed: 5.78 (mi/hr) (avg)


Has it been off since you ran on the treadmill? Or was it off before that? It was a good run though! How does it feel when you aren't running?


I did an hour of yoga today. It felt good, but I was distracted mentally so it wasn't as calming/centering as it could have been.


1 hour of yoga is great! Bummer that it wasn't as calming as it could've been. Were you just not in the right frame of mind or did you have kids running around you?


Feeling good but sore:001_smile:


GREAT job!! What do you use for strength training?

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Has it been off since you ran on the treadmill? Or was it off before that? It was a good run though! How does it feel when you aren't running?


It wasn't off before that. I'm wondering if it's my new shoes! :glare: I did have a really good run on Monday so maybe not, same shoes.

It's been a week+ since the treadmill. Today the legs hurt. Almost like shin splints but not really in the right place fr shin splints. Yuck!

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1 hour of yoga is great! Bummer that it wasn't as calming as it could've been. Were you just not in the right frame of mind or did you have kids running around you?



I just wasn't in the right frame of mind. I almost quit part way through because I wasn't focused. I made myself stick with it to the end and I am glad I did, but an hour seems like a long time when I am not really into what I am doing.

I hope today is better. :)

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