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Could someone give me a de-schooling pep talk?

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I know I should be able to do this myself, but could use a little cheer.


Ds's first day home from school. His first semester of eighth grade ended yesterday. Today I had him look over some Latin (review) so he'll be ready to join us on Monday, read a couple of chapters of a book to see if it suits him and....that's it.


He's been sullen and weepy for most of the day, dragging everything out, not looking at me, etc. He's kind of a mess.


My gut is he's de-stressing. I probably should have given him the day off. Please tell me he'll cheer up and this wasn't a huge mistake!

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I am just thinking aloud...Could he possibly take on a short project to help with the transition? I'm thinking of something like painting his room, choosing a color, sanding, prepping, and painting. A bit of real life work that could count as life skills? If it were spring, I'd suggest planting a small vegetable garden and hammering together a birdhouse. Home education can allow him to learn how to cook, or make a short Lego action movie with your digital camera if you have one. He is going to miss his friends and you will have to fill the void with "quality time" together. Can you go for a walk or do a short unit study together? We have watched and discussed some of the movies in "Movies as Literature" for a change of pace. I hope that he will soon be happy to be home again.

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You guys are so right on. He got quite a lot better after washing the dishes and spending some time alone this afternoon. He'd perked up quite a bit by dinner.


I think he will miss his friends and probably some of them are angry at him. Last year when he considered homeschooling they circulated a petition to keep him in school (how sweet is that?).


He's a sensitive kid who has a lot of trouble expressing himself.

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You guys are so right on. He got quite a lot better after washing the dishes and spending some time alone this afternoon. He'd perked up quite a bit by dinner.


I think he will miss his friends and probably some of them are angry at him. Last year when he considered homeschooling they circulated a petition to keep him in school (how sweet is that?).


He's a sensitive kid who has a lot of trouble expressing himself.


Can you plan something special for him and his friends? Even if it is just pizza and game night it will reassure him/them that they will still be able to see each other.


It will probably be easier when he is doing school with his brothers and is fully integrated into the school day routine.

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