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2009 Book a week thread - week 4 update

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Currently reading Frankenstein and The Good Earth. I'll start The Man Who Was Thursday next week.



gah! The Good Earth. Yes, yes, yes....excellent book and all that rot....but few books have made me so angry and frustrated! It was a very unsatisfying read and years later, still gets under my skin just reading the title! lol!


I just wrapped up The Shack. Wow. Gives lots to ponder.

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Book List 52 Books in 52 Weeks 2009


1.Rifles for Watie by Harold Keith

2.Walden by Henry David Thoreau

3.Pinnochio by Carlo Collodi

4.The Portable Atheist by Christopher Hitchens



How are you liking The Prtable Atheist? It has been on my list for awhile and I just haven't gotten to it yet.

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My list so far:


1) End of America

2) Kluge

3) The Templars

4) Spook - I just finished this this week and it was a total waste of my time.

5) Killing the Imposter God - also just finished and I must say that this book just contributed to my generally displeasant disposition this week. This book argue that Philip Pullman, who has diffiinitvely and passionately stated that he is an atheist, is in fact a theist and that his series actually has a Christian message. :001_huh: and :glare:

6) Currently reading: More Harm than Good: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Common Treatments & Procedures. - I am enjoying this quite a bit and learn a lot as well. My kind of book.

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It was one of those books that I decided would haunt me less if I went all the way through it, but I wish I'd stopped when I was first inclined to. What did you learn from it? I think I knew most of it, all except a bit of history. If I had learned more, maybe I would have liked it better. And considering it was fiction, I think I would have prefered a more cheerful ending. Yes, things often end that way in real life, and people aren't always as strong as they ought to be, but I thought it was unnecessarily dreary at the end.


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