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Gilmore Girls - anyone familiar with this series?

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My girls and I have caught a few episodes of this on satellite and have enjoyed them. Older dd mentioned a desire to receive the series as a gift in the future. I'd love to hear from someone who may be more familiar with the series than we are to know if we can expect the whole series to be as enjoyable as the last few have been. :-) What is your take on this program? TIA!

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I liked the high school years better than the college years, but I found almost all the episodes very watchable.


Trying to find a way to say this . . . Rory's first sexual experience is, in my book, immoral. (If you believe premarital sex is immoral than they all are, but I found the first one troubling for other reasons.) However, I don't think the show holds it up as moral. But the first two (at least) years are clean in that regard.

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I LOVED the Gilmore Girls!!! Rory was soo cute and Lorelai is always just hilarious and witty. I also liked the highschool years better than the years in college with the rich boyfriend guy. Dean was one of my favorites. :)


When Rory graduates and goes to college, she does finally have tea with the boyfriend. Then it becomes kind of a constant. That part of the series, I wouldn't be keen on a teen watching - especially one who believes in waiting until marriage. But in the earlier years, Rory is a good girl and the show is really cute.

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This is what I have enjoyed so much about the show. :D



For my daughter and I-it confirmed there are other mothers and daughters out there that are as good of friends as we are.


Not that we needed that-but it was great to have that camaraderie about something so close to our hearts.

It seems like most relationships are portrayed like Lorilea's and her moms.

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