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What do you do with your children's work? Art?

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I have a file for each of my children. I keep report cards that are special to me (not every one, that's for sure). I keep reports that reflect their own efforts and are well done for their age. I keep some art work. But, I need a place to keep them.


What do you do with your children's things like this? Do you make a scrapbook for each child's work? Do you have a keepsake box for each child?



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I used to save nearly everything the children drew or wrote. When the boxes began to overflow I sorted through and saved just the things that made me smile. In theory, they are supposed to each have their own box, but it practice it is all mixed together in several plastic totes.

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Guest janainaz

I have two binders and I hole-punch whatever they have created (if it fits) and keep it. I started that when I my first ds was really little and it's fun to see how they progress (from scribbles to stick people...).

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