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Book suggestions for native Americans?

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We're actually doing a study of native americans that I made up right now. I'm using Evan Moor's history pockets along with some books I found. It wasn't easy to find one for each tribe, but some that are pretty good were the "If you lived with" series. We have If you lived with the Iroquois, If you lived with the Sioux, If you lived with the Hopi, and If you lived with the Indians of the Northeast Coast. When we get to the Nez Perce, we'll reading Meet Kaya (an american girl book) Nightbird was suggested for during the Seminole study, but it's out of print and my library didn't have it so we just read what came with the History Pockets.



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The authors Joseph Bruchac, Paul Goble and Kenneth Thomasma have all written many books on this subject - Bruchac at many levels and all different kinds of stories/folk tales/novels, and even a Native American based science curriculum, and Goble picture books on folk tales mostly from Plains tribes, and Thomasma a series of books on Indian children that my children really enjoyed.


Longer historical fiction we really enjoyed:


Children of the Longhouse (Iroquois)

Birchbark House (Ojibwa)

My Name is Sally Littlesong (Seminole)

Bear Dancer: The Story of a Ute Girl

Run Away Home (Apache)

And all the Thomasma books


We also read folk tales from all the tribes we studied, and when we got to the mid 1800's we read biographies of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse (Judith St. George wrote both of those), Geronimo and Chief Joseph.

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I am pulling together one as well. This was invaluable help: Free American History Curriculum, as was this map. I have the If you lived with series and a book called North American Indians by Marie and Douglas Gorsline. I also purchased More than Mocassins. A lot of people recommended The Indian Book from ChildCraft (I think that is what it is called) as the best spine. The Indian Paintbrush and Where the Buffaloes Begin are two books that I did not want to miss.


I added two tribes to the front of the curriculum (Powhatan and Wampanoag) and then followed the progression through the tribes, but I have greatly simplified. You wouldn't recognize the curriculum in the link at all. It helped me to know how to break things down. After I found the map I planned one week on each cultural area.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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