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Can someone please tell me what I did to my ankle???

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I've started working out with Walk Away the Pounds videos. I've been faithful for 5 weeks now. My weight and blood pressure are down and I feel AWESOME!!! My problem is that I've done something to my ankle.


I don't remember hurting it. Just one day, it was tender and it just keeps getting worse and worse. Today, after working out, I can hardly put any weight on it.


It's on the outside of my right leg, at the ankle. Not quite to the top of the foot, but more like at 2 o'clock if my ankle were a clock. It's quite swollen (from 12 to 3 in keeping with the clock analogy) and a bit bruised toward the top and right of my foot. It hurts from the ankle down to the toes.


After I put it up and ice it for about an hour, it feels better, but not completely well.


I'd rather not waste a trip to the doctor if I don't have to! But, I'll go if I should. Or, is this a case of old sneakers that need to be replaced?



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Guest Tuffteacher

that you have some tendonitis. RICE is a start (rest, ice, compress, elevate). New walking shoes, definitely. If it doesn't get better, then I would see someone. Tendonitits usually takes weeks of rest before it gets better. Of course one can't diagnose over the internet and I'm not a doctor. Just an active exerciser with many years of experience.

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If you touch it and it feels like it is bruised (but no black and blue marks) then it is probably tendonitis.


RICE is good and ibuprofen. I have had tendonitis many times in my wrists and they usually say take ibuprofen and RICE and come back if there is no improvement in about 4 weeks. Tendonitis can take a long time to heal.


If this gets worse not better over the next few weeks, it is usually a clue that some is wrong and you should see your doc.


Of course, I am not doctor......



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Volty - I literally LOL!! Yes, I'm holding you entirely responsible! I was trying to break in my new party shoes when it happened!! LOL


Thanks everyone else. After doing some research on the web, I agree with you all. I'm going to take it easy for a few days (my dh is buying me an exercise ball so I can continue exercising!), ice, and keep a compress on it and I'll see how it goes. I have a physical appointment on the 29th. I'll wait until then to ask the doctor!


It's just SO depressing!!! I have been working out really hard (apparently too hard!) and had great momentum! I just wanna take off the last 10 pounds!:mad:

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