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11th/12th grader stills needs Grammar and Advanced Composition.

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I'm preparing my dd16's homeschool portfolio following a checklist I got from a state college. They request 4 credits of English:



World Literature

American Literature

Advanced Composition


Claire completed the Literature courses when in public high school. They had some grammar and composition mixed into the semester. However, her transcript doesn't reflect those subjects.


I would greatly appreciate suggestions for completing those requirements at home. We prefer secular materials but we're willing to look at all materials to find something that suits her best.

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Take a look at the Hewitt World Literature courses. I didn't have a chance to get to them with my ds, but they looked very interesting. You could also use the reading list as a guide for your own course. For advanced composition, maybe an online class like one that Bravewriter offers or WriteatHome (I think thats their name) we did both of those. I like having outside evaluators at some point just so that I can get another opinion on the writing - I am apparently biased.


For grammar, maybe something like the FixIt or there is also a grammar that uses Shakespeare that might be fun.

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So, she has two credits of English from the public high school, yes? I'm thinking you might call and talk to someone in person and get more information. Most public (and private) high schools do 4 years of English, usually listed only as "English" on the transcript, each year including grammar, composition, and literature.

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This is what she has so far:


9th grade: World Lit/Comp

This course content focuses on a wide range of genres in world literature with an emphasis on literary analysis. The integrated study of composition will include basic research skills, expository and persuasive, writing with an emphasis on technical writing. Sentence structure and grammar usage will be

included throughout the writing process and integrated with speaking, listening and vocabulary skills. Extensive reading, public speaking and presentation skills are also included in this course.


10th grade: American Lit/Comp

This course focuses on a survey of American literature from the Colonial Period to the modern era. Writing objectives center upon essays (emphasis on expository), research, and critical analyses papers. Extensive reading, public speaking and presentation skills are also included in this course.



The other courses listed (that she is missing out on since she is homeschooling) are:


11th grade: British Literature

11th grade AP Language and Composition

12th grade Literary Types


I don't believe that her World Lit and American Lit classes can count as a full carnegie unit of either grammar or advanced composition. And as the colleges expect 1 unit of grammar and 1 unit of advanced composition, that sounds like 2 full courses, not 1 combined course. Does that sound right?


She definitely does not want to do any other literature programs. She just wants to fulfill the grammar and advanced composition requirements.

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Jim Stobaugh has literature curricula for those various groups of lit. Of course, I think there should be more Canadian lit in there, but he went with what his publlisher wanted. I haven't used them, but we are using his Skills for Literary Analysis (I asked him point blank that if we only ever purchased one of his books, which should it be, and bought the one he said) and for this literary analysis eschewing mother, it's been good.


We're going to use WEM and WTM and plan our own high school reading lists once we find out what dd needs. However, she's planning to be a science major, so I'm not sure if we'll need the same English courses you do.

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