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Does anybody here have their teens on a Bible quiz team? (cross-post)

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and he memorized a ton of scripture. He enjoyed the team overall. It was a very positive experience for him.


My younger 2 sons want nothing to do with it, however. For them, they see it as too much work (neither are big on memorization) and too competitive (in our league, you had to "jump" first to be able to answer).

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I got into a discussion about this last night with several friends. We were all thinking a Bible quiz team might be a good idea for our kids, but none of us has any experience with one. I'd love to hear thoughts or recommendations from this board.


(I cross-posted on the General Board.)




Hi, I don't know where in ID you are but the some ID and Washington teams Bible quiz in Spokane (and I think another meet is in TRi-Cities) together thru AWANA and I think, in Tri-Cities, WA. It is only set up for AWANA club members but if you wanted some info on setting up your own, I could prob. get you a 8-page rule book *or* (the better idea imho lol), you could get the kids in AWANA next year :() and quiz with us.


But, an easier solution to DIY would be to make a Jeopardy type game with 30-50 key verses (I could give you an AWANA book run down). You make a (science-fair type) board with 4-6 categories, write verse references down as the "question" and then turn the 3x5 card over and write the verse out and you have your questions.


There you go. HTH, you can email me direct if you want more ideas -


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It was the single activity that made the biggest impact on my faith. You have to memorize LOTS of verses (for example, I memorized the book of Matthew one year and the next year I memorized I and II Thessa, I and II Peter, and James). Memorizing is like a muscle--it is weak at first, but you get a lot better at it as you practice more. I walked away with a huge amount of Bible knowledge and a very sweet experience studying the Bible. The Holy Spirit really blessed that time.

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The program at the Nazarene church has been around for many, many years and is well done. The info is online. I think you could use it for any group. The actual Bible teaching depends on the teacher and how much time you put into the class. Are you learning to "quiz" or understand the scripture. The more one practices on their own the more they learn. It was great for us but unfortunately it was the place my dd felt excluded in friendship from the other girls. I do recommend memorization. It's amazing how much more tuned into sermons and classes my dc became once they really began to know the Bible.

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The greatest benefit for our family, besides the obvious of memorizing all that scripture, was that it was something my husband did with our junior high son.


It was such a great bonding time for them and they both didn't care that the team didn't win when they went to Oregon-they talked about all the great people they met from all over the country. They came back a lot closer.


Our youth group sponsored it and organized it and then the parents and children that wanted to participated met outside of the youth group time.

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What an incredible post!!! Thank you for taking the time to write all that out, Jennifer!


Dh and I sat down this morning (Wed. is his day out of the office, our day to catch up) and read through all of these posts. I really appreciate every response. All of you have been so helpful. I'll let you know what develops. Thanks, everyone!

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