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Teaching Textbooks for 5th grade...


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We like it here. Both of the older boys used this for a while. B used it while taking a break from Math-U-See Gamma when it started to get really tough. T used it at the beginning of the school year and really liked it, but TT5 was just a tad too hard for him (once he got past all of the review lessons). My plan for him is to finish up RightStart C (probably by late spring) and then switch him to TT4, which should be out by then.


It can definitely be done independently. All of the lectures and problems are on the CD-ROM. If the student misses a problem, they can watch an explanation of how it should have been solved. The problems in the student book are exactly the same as the ones presented on the computer. The book would only be necessary for times when the computer is not accessible, IMO. I gave T a lap-sized white board and markers to work his problems right at the computer. This way he could watch the lecture, start working on the problems, enter them and watch any corrections all at the same time/place.


I don't remember how long the lectures are. Maybe 5-10 minutes? I believe they have sample lectures at their site, so you could check that out to be sure.


I hope that answers your questions! :)

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Guest MelinTX

My 5th grade dd loves it. Math has become her favorite subject for the first time. She is totally independent where as before I had to sit with her to keep her on task of doing each and every problem. I honestly can't tell you how long each lesson takes, she does them totally on her on. She'd like to "skip" a grade and knows that math is the one subject that is holding her at her present grade. She generally does 2-4 lessons per day in an effort to get ahead. So far so good. She is quickly approaching TT6.


TT5 does all the grading for you. The problems are in the book, but the book really isn't needed. All the problems are on the computer and it grades their answers as they go. They can retry a problem or just watch it worked if they miss one. It also keeps the grade book and you can go on and see how dc has done on each lesson.

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DS really enjoys it. Yes, it can be done completely independently, but I usually listen in on the lectures in case he has a question. The lectures take only a few minutes each, and then there are about 22-24 problems to solve. The whole thing takes about 30-45 min. For this level the book is not needed at all. You can just use scratch paper.

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