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Last Days of Socrates or Plato's Republic...

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Hmmm...I think I'd vote for The Republic. But I do think it is a good idea to have some background on Socrates (via Plato) which the Last Days would provide. The Republic is the philosophy of society held by Plato. Last Days is more varied in content. Both would be great - I think it comes down to what you are trying to accomplish: a look at Socrates views and life, or Plato's ideology (which will stem from Socrates). If you're teaching to a younger teen, The Last Days might be more accessible...

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Unless a grade seven student is extraordinarily gifted, I think they would have some trouble with the Republic. Not with reading it (nessearily, though reading the dialougs can be difficult) , but with grappling with the subtext. The Republic uses the question of what is justice to start an extended examination of how human society ought to be organized. Doing the text justice requires a lot of work, indeed, a lot of college freshman and sophomores in a class I TAed for were undone by Plato. The Last Days is more straightforward in approach, and thus could be more easily used by middle school or early high school students, and the issues discussed are no less important. Of course, if you have students with really good anylatically chops, you might read the Republic at 13. But else the last days is a better place to start.

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We are using Omnibus 1 which has you read The Last Days of Socrates. TWTM doesn't have that on their list though. Would it be better to read Plato's Republic or Plato's Symposium instead?


If the Last Days of Socrates includes the stuff in the first volume of the Harvard Classics, I'd vote for that. They are a lot shorter than The Republic. I enjoy reading that kind of thing for fun, but got tired of The Republic after a while because of the sweeping assumptions in it (but I ought to go and finish it). It's longer and does have a big subtext to it, as well. Phaedo, for eg, is a much easier read to "get." Also, I had a lot of fun with Socrates' arguments about why he didn't escape (was that in Phaedo or one of the other ones?)

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We are using Omnibus 1 which has you read The Last Days of Socrates. TWTM doesn't have that on their list though. Would it be better to read Plato's Republic or Plato's Symposium instead?



Last Days is listed in the logic stage reading for the Ancients (p.370). We are going to do this with my 7th and 5th graders this year.



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