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Prayer Request - Oral surgery in 2 hours

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I know it's silly to worry, but I would appreciate prayers.


It's not the surgery or the pain scaring me, it's the anesthesia. I don't know why this is bugging me so bad, but I'm just afraid of not waking up and my kids having no mom and someone (poor soul) having to go through all of my packrat piles of papers crammed in boxes in every closet.


The idea of having half of my face left with permanent nerve damage and having to wear a sponge under my chin to catch the drool for the rest of my life is scaring me just a tad bit too.


I know. It's ridiculous. But there you are.

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It was as easy as everyone said it would be. My jaw is sore on one side, but that's the worst of it. I don't even feel loopy. Dh has me set up on the couch with a laptop and is off to the store to get supplies for the Diva. I'm not hurting, but how often does one get to be a diva?


The dentist said he did get a nerve and my right side would be numb up to a month, but you can't tell to look at it and I won't be wearing a sponge to catch the drool, so I'm happy.


As soon as I'm able to get rid of this nasty, sour gauze, I'll be on cloud nine.


Thanks for the prayers! The cause of the fear was irrational, but the fear itself was very real. I hate it when I do that! And I hate how good I am at doing it! If you're ever feeling just too optimistic, give me a call and I can run you through the potential worst-case-scenarios. lol.

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You did it! Good for you. I am all too familiar with the ability to give the worst-possible scenarios (for myself, not for others). I'm so glad you were able to act in spite of the fear and come out on the other side. I'm happy you're doing well...and enjoy that diva-status while it lasts! :D



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