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Fellow Runners . . .

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I'm just so pleased with myself that I had to post. Last week was a terrible, dark, winter week here in northern British Columbia. I was beside myself with just feeling down, bleak . . . etc. etc.


Well the sun has shone for a couple of days and I have been able to run . . . not on ice and not on snow. THis is the first time since the snow began in early November. Now, I'm still running between snowbanks, but the pavement is bare!! So I ran the last couple of days, 5 km's, including 1 km up a fairly steep grade.


I am still in the beginner, building up stage, so this is very exciting for me. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice too so I'll try and get out once more.


Just want to encourage anyone else who's feeling the winter blah's to get outside if possible. I cannot believe the difference in my spirit this week. (BTW, I did exercise last week, just not outside. It makes a difference for me.)



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do you have pavement!!??!!


It's melting here, too, but I went out this morning for a walk in that lovely sunshine, slipped on a patch of ice and nearly fell on my butt! There were some clear places but the whole way downtown I was thinking it was a good thing I wasn't trying to jog!


I can't wait until I can, btw. I'm going stir crazy.

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It's got many great amenities that my neck of the woods sorrily lacks BUT one thing we do have is great sidewalks -- everywhere -- and terrific snow removal equipment. And, when the snow removal equipment isn't removing snowing that's just fallen from the skies, it's beginning a sort of "spring clean-up" ritual -- chiseling down snowbanks, rounding corners, etc. etc. So there never is more than an inch or two of snow on the sidewalks -- just a few days of sun gets rid of that.


On a side note, we've got about a bazillion tonnes more snow than terrace. It always amazes me when I think how closely we're located.


But I do know how you feel about walking on ice. Last year I bought a pair of yak-tracks. They are these rubber and coil wire thingies that strap onto my runners and provide grip. They really work and were worth every cent.



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It's so nice to run when that first bit of sun comes out doesn't it? We hardly see the sun during this time of year. I plan my running routes so that the sun is shining on my face for the maximum amount of time during the run.


It does make so much of a difference in my spirits too.


Good luck with the running and stay safe!

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