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Please share favorite science curricula for 7th & 8th Grades...


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This year we are using the BJU Life Science.

We chose to use the dvds even though they were half our hs budget. DD wants to be a nurse so we have begun to amp up her science and maths.

I am delighted. I was a science major in college and I would have killed for this kind of teaching before getting there.

Mrs. Vick is awesome. She eases them into logic stage critical thinking, teaches tips for note taking and studying and always keeps a high level of teaching, no patronizing here nor dumbing down, this is good, solid, science.

This year we are not doing the labs on our own, just watching Mrs. Vick do them, I will make the big lab purchases for high school.

I am so impressed with what my dd is getting out of this course.

Also, had I been given this sort of solid background from a Christian perspective, I would not have had many of the struggles I had in the field of science at a state college.

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Ditto on the BJU science. I've got my dd doing it now, because I want her to be on-track for it when we get to those grades (7 and 8). There are lots of options when the dc are lower elementary, but come junior high it really trims down. I'm SO pleased and SO impressed with the new editions of the BJU science. It's everything the other poster said and more! It teaches them how to read a textbook, how to study. And yes, my plan is to put her into the dvd's for it, definitely by gr 7, maybe by gr. 6 just because Mrs. Vick does such a great job. :)

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Thank you ladies. I have about a year or year and a half to decide, but wanted to start researching now. I know there is not a plethora out their for the Logic stage. At least the field is narrowed and I won't lose my mind researching this subject to death. :blink:


I am familiar, somewhat, with Apologia in that we've used a few elementary titles and my eldest ds used one year of the upper levels. I like it, but my 11yo is not an avid reader and have heard the upper levels are best for those who enjoy reading a lecture as opposed to hearing and seeing one. At that point I'll have a 5th grader and preschooler and my time will be at a premium, so reading with him may not be an option.


I have heard that BJUP is best used by a mom with a greater-than-average knowledge of the sciences (not me :tongue_smilie:) and am excited to hear that a dvd program is an option. And Lizzie, thanks for the idea of watching the labs for now and waiting until highschool. I do think it's enough for their ages to just watch.


And Sue, I'll also check out ABeka at our state conference.


Thanks again. The Hive is awesome!

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We are using Apologia. My 7th grader is not a strong reader. So he listens and reads along with the CD. Also next fall Apologia is starting online classes at Apologia Academy. I will likely be putting all three of mine in that.


Thank you for that information. I did not know about the classes next fall. It's definitely in the running. :)

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