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Hoo boy! Dh was yelling for the fire extinguisher. . .

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The outlet behind his books (a whole wall of them) was sparking and burning. Dd was crying. Ds was running around trying to be helpful (but wasn't).


Fire is out. The windows are open. The air cleaner is on full blast. The air is full of fire extinguisher gunk. Dd's eczema is bright red either due to the chemicals or the stress or both. And I still don't know what to fix for dinner!


Praise that God kept us safe. And other than bad air quality and a bad mess to clean up in dh's study there was no damage. Well, the outlet is toast and we'll have to evaluate the air cleaner that had been plugged into the outlet. But other than that it's all good.

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(((Jean))) I'm glad to hear everyone is safe. How scary. I vote you treat yourselves to take-out, or a nice dinner at a restaurant. Sounds like you've had enough excitement for one day, and a lot of clean-up for tomorrow.:grouphug:


I wish I could add my own words of comfort, but Jane said it so well. I am so glad it didn't happen while you all were sleeping! Glad DH was home too! How scary!! I would call my homeowners insurance agent, just to see if they have anything helpful to say.

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