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I get to choose new wallpaper for the kitchen- Yeah!

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OH NO! I have to choose new wallpaper for the kitchen!


I can never make a decision. Well, it takes a loooonnnggg time anyway. We are on track to get someone to install new paper the end of March.


Here is my countertop. Then my cabinets are a medium oak type color. The floors are a light oak type. All my appliances are either white or black. The family room is painted a blue that is very close to the blue in the countertop. The walls from the family room and kitchen touch. Then you can see the foyer and the dining room. The foyer is that shell white that all houses have somewhere. The dining room is a mauvy pink above the chair rail and the same blue as the family room below the chair rail.


Please tell me you can help with colors or ideas!

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When DH and I got married we lived in one of his grandpa's rentals while going to school. We scraped SIX layers of wallpaper off the kitchen walls AND ceiling. We resolved then to never put up wallpaper in our own home.


If you MUST put up something, maybe just a border. It could either be at ceiling or chair rail height.


Please, I'm begging you, just skip the paper.


If you're still insisting on paper, go with a neutral pattern.

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My suggestion is to skip the wallpaper. I think wallpaper patterns become dated more quickly than just a solid color. I also think people tend to get sick of a pattern more quickly than just a color. Can you tell I'm not a fan of wallpaper?;)


All that she said, and to add to it, wall paper is from the devil. Removing that stuff is just pure H-E double toothpicks. LOL


In all seriousness, what about painting and stenciling? It's easier to change over time.

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because of the interest and texture it can create. It looks like there is blue in your countertop? THen the classic choice would be yellow. There are beautiful yellow textured patterns in the Tuscan Sun collection. I just papered my kitchen with it, and the butter color and subtle texture is perfect! I love the Italian country (Tuscan) look.

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