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DS8 is having mild right side pain...

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what should I be watching for if this continues? I've only heard of right side associated with appendicitis. Is there anything minor that this could be? He's acting normal, eating normal, playing, and just fine otherwise. I just want to be prepared. I guess if he is still complaining about it tomorrow we need to head to the dr., that is if nothing happens before then. I'm just wanting to find out what my other possibilities could be.

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It could be something as simple as gas. Watch for worsening symptoms. My ex husband had appendicitis and he told me once (when our son was having pain) to take my palm and hit ds9's right heel. If he jumped out of the bed, it was likely his appendix. If he didn't, chances were good that it was nothing major. I am not sure how "medical" that advice is, but it was apparently something the doc did to him when he came in with appendicitis.

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those "good 'ol days" doctors, huh? :)


It could be something as simple as gas. Watch for worsening symptoms. My ex husband had appendicitis and he told me once (when our son was having pain) to take my palm and hit ds9's right heel. If he jumped out of the bed, it was likely his appendix. If he didn't, chances were good that it was nothing major. I am not sure how "medical" that advice is, but it was apparently something the doc did to him when he came in with appendicitis.
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It could be something as simple as gas. Watch for worsening symptoms. My ex husband had appendicitis and he told me once (when our son was having pain) to take my palm and hit ds9's right heel. If he jumped out of the bed, it was likely his appendix. If he didn't, chances were good that it was nothing major. I am not sure how "medical" that advice is, but it was apparently something the doc did to him when he came in with appendicitis.



Triage nurse at the peds told my to do the jumping test....didn't mention heel at all. :tongue_smilie: But at the ER (we've done this "it might be appendicitis" run recently) said that pain tolerance makes it all misleading as some kids with terrible appendicitis appear ok, while others doubled over in pain have only mild appendicitis or something else.

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I had appendicitis when I was a child. I couldn't eat, had a fever, and my belly was quite painful to the touch. But I think that appendicitis is one of those illnesses that is different in different people. To be safe, I agree that you should take him to the dr tomorrow if symptoms do not subside. Best wishes to you (and him!).

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I am not sure how "medical" that advice is, but it was apparently something the doc did to him when he came in with appendicitis.


Yup, that's a pretty standard first-line check, actually. Something about the way the vibration moves through the body. It's not definitive, but a good indicator. Also, push in on the right, upper quadrant of the abdomen - if the pain is a whole lot worse when you let up, that's supposed to be a "classic" tell...

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He had a bm earlier today, but then the mild ache came back later. The front part of his stomach started hurting too. He showed us that it hurt around his lower right side and more near his back. I started thinking kidney something. But, I'm not sure what that means either and what symptoms to look for. He hasn't presented any other symptoms and he went to sleep fine tonight and has remained asleep too. I'll see how he wakes up in the a.m. We've pushed on his stomach and rubbed it for him for comfort, but he doesn't react like it's tender at all. Who knows. He might be coming down with something else too?

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